Copeland's Corner with Brian Copeland

Brian's Target Dilemma, The New Little Mermaid Film, & Mass Incarciration

Episode Summary

Guests this week: Lauren Mayer & Chris Riggins

Episode Notes

This week's edition of Copeland's Corner, with featured Headliners  Lauren Mayer & Chris Riggins. Listen in as they and Brian discuss this week's hot talk topics. 


For more from Brian...

Visit his website:

Follow on Social Media:  Twitter & Instagram - @BrianCopie



Copeland's Corner is Created, Hosted, & Executive Produced by Brian Copeland. 

The Podcast's Booking Producer is Jarron Williams. 

This Show is Recorded & Mixed by Charlene Goto with Go-To Productions. Visit Go-To Productions for all your  Podcast & Media needs.