Copeland's Corner with Brian Copeland

Donald Trump's Truth Social, San Francisco's Reputation & The Marvels Movie

Episode Summary

Guests this week: Ngaio Bealum, Chris Riggins & Tom Sawyer

Episode Notes

This week's edition of Copeland's Corner, with featured Headliners Ngaio Bealum, Chris Riggins & Tom Sawyer. Tune in they chime in with Brian discuss this week's hot talk topics. 

Follow Ngaio on Instagram: @Ngaio420

Follow Chris on Instagram: @ChrisRigginsComedy

Check out more from Tom Sawyer on his website:


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Copeland's Corner is Created, Hosted, & Executive Produced by Brian Copeland. 

This Show is Recorded & Mixed by Charlene Goto with Go-To Productions. Visit Go-To Productions for all your  Podcast & Media needs.

Episode Transcription

Copeland's Corner - November 16, 2023 - EP167

Host Brian Copeland: Well, again, this is Brian Copeland talking. Welcome to another edition of Copeland's Corner. If all goes well, we'll be joined a little bit later on by a distinguished panel of comics. We'll talk about some of the news of the week. Um, I'm going to kick things off with. Uh, with this, they just released numbers today.

Today being Wednesday, we record Wednesdays and we drop on Thursdays. If you're new to the podcast or new to watching us on YouTube and, uh, they released numbers today, Wednesday, uh, about the financial health of Donald Trump's social media platform, truth, social, and truth, social in the, I guess it's been three years since he started truth, social, uh, It has taken in something like 3.

2 million in revenue over the course of the past couple of years, which isn't bad. I'd be happy to take it in 3. 2 million in revenue. [00:01:00] Unfortunately, it's lost 73 million. So pretty much through socials, just like. Just about every other business that Donald Trump has run short of selling hats and flags to morons, uh, it's, it's operating pretty much like every other business that Donald Trump has had.

So there is a good possibility that Trump, Trump social may, uh, have to file bankruptcy and may shut down. And I think that that's a good thing. I really do think it's a good thing because he is using that platform to subvert justice. He's using that platform to threaten people, uh, to intimidate witnesses, to sick his mob on, uh, on, uh, prosecutors, uh, judges.

On anybody he perceives as a, as an enemy. So while he will probably do the same thing, he'll just switch over to Twitter. You know, we'll see exactly how far Elon Musk will let him go. And by all indications, Elon Musk will let him do whatever he wants to do. [00:02:00] Uh, but, uh, at least he won't have to social if too social goes bankrupt, uh, in order, uh, in order to do this, um, he's, he's got to be stopped.

He's just got to be stopped in terms of the things that are coming out of his mouth that are going to incite violence against people who are simply doing their jobs with honor and with integrity, but we'll talk a little bit about that. We'll get into some of that with the comics right up this.

This is part of the podcast that we call headliners on the headlines. We got a full house today, uh, joining us, uh, to, I don't know exactly if this lines up for viewers the way it does for me, but to, to my direct left. Is, uh, is Tom Sawyer the second time on the, on the, uh, the, the podcast. An ax, actual legend in, uh, in San Francisco [00:03:00] comedy, uh, one of the founders of Cobbs Comedy Club, which is, uh, which is now on, on, uh, on Columbus Street.

You're out of it now. You, you, you brought it to Columbus and then you bailed on us , 

Tom Sawyer: uh, only after seven years of being with Live Nation. 

Host Brian Copeland: Yeah. Well, that'll do it. That'll my mouth shut. That did it. That did it for me. That'll do it. And Gael Beelum is back. Welcome on Gael. Always a pleasure my friend. 

Ngaio Bealum: Good to be back.

Good to be back. I aspire to be a San Francisco legend, even though I don't live there anymore. 

Host Brian Copeland: You're not supposed to tell people that. See with Zoom, nobody knows where you are. You can audition for stuff in LA. I just know you have a 

Tom Sawyer: comfy chair. 

Ngaio Bealum: Always, always. King of the comfy chair. 

Host Brian Copeland: And Chris Riggins is with us again.

Welcome Chris. 

Chris Riggins: What's up guys? 

Host Brian Copeland: Hey, you're driving, man, so don't, don't hit anything. Don't get in an 

Chris Riggins: accident. I'm parked, I am parked in the nice part of Pasadena, uh, right across the street from the, the Gucci store and some other very, oh, Tesla. Tesla has a store right across where I'm at, so I don't stay [00:04:00] parked 

Ngaio Bealum: too long, man.

They're trying to get you for loitering across the street. 

Chris Riggins: I got my ticket. Look, I, I got my ticket. I got my, I got my. I know, I know how to play the game 

Host Brian Copeland: about how, you know, how much rain in there and how people are different in LA when it rains, it's, it's a trip, man. I, when I was doing not a genuine black man in Los Angeles, we were selling out every night except for when it's sprinkled, when it's sprinkled, people who had actually bought tickets wouldn't show up because it was sprinkling people cancel plans.

If it's sprinkles in Los Angeles, and I've heard that from a lot of people. I had a, we, 

Chris Riggins: we 

Ngaio Bealum: had scheduled a play date with some of my, uh, kids friends and it was at an indoor playground and it was raining that day and their friend's mother called me and she's like, well, do you still want to go to the indoor playground on a rainy day?


Chris Riggins: And these people's defense down here. People in L. A. Drive [00:05:00] crazy enough when it's a beautiful, sunny day. So you factor in that some rain is falling down. I kind of understand why people don't want to be on the streets and when it rains in L. A. Cause I barely want to be on the streets when it rains in L.

A. Cause these people cannot drive, you know, in the Bay area, we got public transportation, we got options and it's not that big. So the chances of you getting into a 400 power collision crash are a lot less. You know, a lot smaller, but, uh, here, yeah, I'm looking at these people drive right now. I'm like, some of these people should have stayed home.

Tom Sawyer: Man, you got people out here that can't drive when the, out when it, when the time changes, when the, you know, the daylight, it was dark, it was light, and today it's dark, I don't 

Host Brian Copeland: know what to do. Now you're, Tom, you're from, where are you from, Connecticut, is that right? Oh, Rhode Island. Rhode Island. Oh, I didn't know that.

One of the few states I never been to. So Rhode Island 

Ngaio Bealum: is famous for you. It's a great song. 

Host Brian Copeland: That's what my, my mother used to lie. She was born in Providence, but my mother was Siditi and she didn't like saying she [00:06:00] was from Birmingham. So she used to tell people she was from Providence, Rhode Island. She never set foot in Rhode Island in her life.

But she used to tell all her life, she told people she was born in Providence. Well, 

Tom Sawyer: it's actually, uh, you know, it's actually a great place. It's really interesting how a state that has such, that's so small can have like food that like people in Massachusetts don't have, you know, it's like, they don't, people in Massachusetts scratching their head when you're talking about coffee syrup, you know, which we, which we have in Rhode Island, you know, and, uh, coffee syrup, that's a 

Ngaio Bealum: mixture of coffee and it's coffee syrup.

Tom Sawyer: It's literally a coffee flavored 

Ngaio Bealum: syrup. Lean, it's like a one, all in one 8 ball. 

Tom Sawyer: It's lean coffee. It's like, even milkshakes, coffee milkshakes are different in Rhode Island. It's like, everything's a milkshake, but a coffee milkshake is called a coffee cabinet. Yeah. So it's, it's all weird, little, you know, eccentricities out there that have each state kind of has their own thing.[00:07:00]

And okay. 

Host Brian Copeland: Speaking of weird little eccentricities, how many black people in Rhode Island? About nine? I went to school with five. 

Tom Sawyer: Nah, it was, you know, the majority of them. Yeah. Well, yeah. I mean, I remember seeing lots of black folks, so, yeah, well, 

Host Brian Copeland: they're called Cape Verdeans. Is that right? No, I'm serious. Is that I heard it from somebody that 

Tom Sawyer: I never heard that phrase.

Host Brian Copeland: Oh, okay. All right. Then I'm wrong. I have to go to Rhode Island and find out myself. Yeah, the food's great. Let's uh, let's let's kick off with this and we'll kick off back up here in the bay area. Um, Sunday, San Francisco Chronicle had an interesting article and they talked about all of the problems that are going on in San Francisco and San Francisco is now, thanks to Fox News, Fox News getting a reputation as a city.

That is pretty much over, uh, between fentanyl addiction, between crime, between [00:08:00] shoplifting, between homelessness, between, uh, businesses, uh, uh, tech businesses that are pulling out between, uh, uh, uh, uh, office buildings that are, are, are vacant because there are those who worked at home during the pandemic, uh, uh, by remote and refusing to coming back.

That the city is over. So the question that Chronicle asked was, how would you fix San Francisco? So you all are quite familiar with the city. So I will ask you for your opinion. If it were, if you're up to you, if you were the mayor of San Francisco, what would 

Tom Sawyer: you do on the glove with, uh, five infinity stones and then I snap my fingers, half the population.

Chris Riggins: Yeah, go ahead. I'm thinking earthquake. I'm going to call the earthquake. Just that seems to bring people together. Fair enough. I 

Ngaio Bealum: don't think it can be solved by the mayor. I 

Chris Riggins: would have to be the king. Yeah. 

Ngaio Bealum: Right. San Francisco. Right. Because [00:09:00] The, the, the politics and the interest, you know, all the challenges of everybody's got their own agenda.

So you, it's the, it's a failure of political will, all the homelessness, all the crazy rants, uh, uh, the hand wringing over millionaires losing money because people aren't in their giant, uh, office buildings. No, it's an investment. People lose money on investments. So shut up. First 

Chris Riggins: of all. Shut up. Right. No, it's, it's funny to me that it's like, that's how capitalism works.

It's like when the rich guys start losing money, they blame all the poor people and you know, to hear that people are blaming shoplifting and homelessness and, and all these things for San Francisco's decline and not the fact that people like Elon Musk have fired half the staff at a whole tech company or that, you know, the rich people are draining so much culture and so much resources for themselves that.

Other people can't stay there anymore. So they're leaving. And the ones that have to stay because they can't afford to move, end up sleeping on the street and [00:10:00] the cause of crime has never been, yeah, the cause of crime has never been poor. People just wanting to hurt somebody. It's really been like, yo, have nots.

We'll always try to get what they can't have any way they need to get it. And also 

Ngaio Bealum: complain about. All the retail theft. Let's talk about all the wage theft. Let's talk about all the money that they've had to pay fines for keeping people's money for not paying people on time for, for, for hourly wage theft and all that other stuff.

Waste theft is, is a bigger crime than retail theft. If you look at the 

Tom Sawyer: numbers. The homeless problem isn't like a, isn't like this, uh, Oh my God, how do you fix it? It's really simple. Pay people a living wage. There are people I did a, I, I did, you know, I went on the lot online and, and, you know, searched why hopeless homelessness is in the state it's in.

And most of the people that are homeless are working. They're working homeless people because they can't afford a, uh, yes. The ma uh, yeah. [00:11:00] Majority of people who are homeless are working. They can't, they can't afford, uh, uh, an apartment person last They can't afford. Yeah. Get, they gotta eat all that. They got insurance.

They've got all these things that we take for granted. Plus there's, you know, a lot of, we, we forget. That things that we didn't pay for or our family didn't pay for when we were kids. We didn't pay for television. Now you have to pay for television. You paid like 13 bucks a month for, for phone. Now we're paying 100 and something bucks for your phone.

You know, all of these things we, we literally, I mean, your 

Ngaio Bealum: 100 phone. Does way more stuff. Yeah, 

Tom Sawyer: absolutely. But we live in a society where everything, everything is not just a little more expensive. Yeah. Ridiculously expensive and things that were things I was things that the mafia used to do to make money.

Corporations now do to make money gambling and, uh, marijuana. Well, it's, it's all, 

Ngaio Bealum: it was never really in the [00:12:00] marijuana. Let's not know. 

Host Brian Copeland: No, but, 

Tom Sawyer: but, but, uh, pharmaceutical companies are in the drug addiction business and no one's stopping them. I mean, we sue them, but they just raised the prices of the thing and they're still selling it.

It's not like Oxycontin has been taken off the market. You know, they just say, Oh, now B that now it becomes what comes with more warning labels, but the 

Chris Riggins: fictional is still available. Yeah. Fittin all still being made. They're not stopping that. 

Tom Sawyer: It's mostly being brought over by white people, but we use, uh, but you know, we use, uh, people of color to blame because you need villains, we need bad guys.

And, and, uh, dumb white people are, uh, really, uh, easily susceptible to, uh, you put a brown face on a bad guy, uh, all of a sudden we're going to do something 

Host Brian Copeland: about this. Palestine, you put a brown face on a bad guy. He's on the news. Yeah, on the news. I, I saw, I saw a stat, um, recently that in order [00:13:00] to live in San Francisco, you gotta make $400,000 a year.

If you're moving to San Francisco right now and you want to get a house. And you want to live a middle class lifestyle and in order to qualify for benefits for being low income. If you're a family of four making under 150 grand a year in San Francisco, you are considered to be low income. That's crazy.

Chris Riggins: Brian, it's like Tom said, when he said people are Working that are homeless. I was driving lift in the city. I picked a lady up in it from the tent city Took her to her job Like she came out the tent like it was a house Hey, babe, kiss her man on the cheek got got in the car took her to her job So yes, you're poor if you're making under 150 000 imagine if you're only making 60 000 a year you're basically invisible in san francisco And the thing is that's why you know, san francisco has more dogs than children People can't even afford to have kids in San Francisco.

And what's going to happen to a city [00:14:00] that doesn't have a youth population, doesn't have a future growing? It dies. And that's exactly what's happening. The young people that were supposed to take over, they've had to leave. 

Tom Sawyer: And the biggest problem we have, and this is in every city in the country, is where you have your...

Your entire police force, your teachers, your firemen, all these people cannot afford to live in your own community. There's no connection to these people. There's no, there's no connection to like, you know, when I was a kid, you know, when I got in trouble, you know, the, the sergeant, uh, of the police department live right next door.

He was like, ah, Tom's an okay kid. He just, you know, kids are kids, you know, and he would drive me home, you know, 

Chris Riggins: kids 

Host Brian Copeland: are kids. So tell me again,

that, that, that right there is white privilege. I've never had a cop look at me as a kid and go, well, you know, kids are kids, kids are kids, kids are 

Tom Sawyer: kids. [00:15:00] Now, Timmy, here's your knife. Leave 

Ngaio Bealum: the 

Tom Sawyer: purse, Timmy. 

Chris Riggins: We've looked like 30 year old men to police since we was five. So it's, it's a whole different ball game.

Host Brian Copeland: I, you know, I think about, I think about some of the stuff that I did when I was like 20, 21, 22 years old and, and encounters I had with the police. Cause I got to the point by the time I was 21, 22, when I'd been stopped so many times, I had a period of time when I was literally stopped almost every day.

Well, it didn't matter if I was walking, didn't matter if I was driving a car or whatever. And I got to a point about 20, 21, 22, when I would get in their faces and I, and I'm, I'm literally lucky to be alive. I got, Oh, I remember getting pulled over one time. I was so pissed that I got out of the car and walked towards the police car.

I got out of the car, walked to the police bar, put my finger. God damn it. I haven't done anything. Why are you stopping? Wait, I'm lucky. I'm not [00:16:00] dead. I had 

Tom Sawyer: a cop, 

Ngaio Bealum: this is, it was super random. I was in my twenties. I'm going to visit my mom on pages of this Darryl. I turned left on like Scott street. A cop pulls up behind me, fires up his lights, right?

Pulls me over. I pull over. He walks in the car, pulls out his gun and points it at me. Right. And I'm sitting there like, what the, what the, you know, my exact words are, what the fuck? And, uh, he's holding a gun and then something happened on the radio, then he just puts his guns away and then he walks off and gets back in his car and drives 

Tom Sawyer: off.

I remember when I shot a cop and the, and the other cop went, Oh, that's Tom from across the way. 

Host Brian Copeland: He's like, all right. 

Tom Sawyer: He's like a bad shot. He's a crack up. That's just kidding. Oh, he's shooting at us. 

Host Brian Copeland: Lock it off. , uh, to shift gears, uh, uh, Donald Trump's fraud trial, uh, continues in, uh, in New York. Uh, the ag what the a Yes, believe it or not, the AG [00:17:00] Letitia James, uh, is trying to get the Trump organization fine, $250 million for fraud and to bar anybody named Trump from ever doing business in the state of New York again.

It's the judge has already found. There's no bench trial and sorry, there's no jury. It's a bench trial and he's bitching about the fact that there's no jury. And the reason there's no jury, people don't realize this is because his lawyers forgot to ask for a jury. They literally forgot to fill out the 

Tom Sawyer: paper.


Ngaio Bealum: didn't even check the box. 

Tom Sawyer: But she's cute. So cute. 

Host Brian Copeland: So, so the judge has already found him guilty of fraud. And so now this is about, this is about the penalty. Now he has been going crazy. On, uh, on true social as well as in press conferences, just demonizing, you know, the, the, the, the, uh, attorney general, the judge, potential witnesses, not just in this case, 

Tom Sawyer: is that the one with the clerk where [00:18:00] he's demonizing the clerk?

Yes, he's 

Host Brian Copeland: demonizing the clerk. And, and, and what happens is when Trump demonizes you, you end up with lunatics, the lunatics that follow him. It's like coded mafia language. Stochastic terrorism. Yeah, that's exactly what it is. That's exactly what it is. And so he split his people in danger. So there's been a, a gag order enforced in the federal trial, uh, with Judge Jukin, a limited gag order, and that's now in hold while it's being appealed.

And there's the one that Judge Geron in New York has, has placed, uh, saying you can't talk about court personnel. You think 

Ngaio Bealum: Trump, uh, mispronounces that judge's name on, on purpose all the time. Of course he does. 

Host Brian Copeland: Of course he does. . Yeah, of course he does. Uh, judge 

Ngaio Bealum: Nick. So, so you can't, they got me a nigger on Judge

It's Gerron, sir. 

Host Brian Copeland: It's Gerron, but you can't touch about, you can't talk about judge per, uh, about court personnel and so forth. So he's violated it twice. First time it was five grand. Second time it was [00:19:00] 15 grand. The one today that he released, he says he, he's saying that they, that, that the ag and the judge need to be subject to citizen's arrest.

Oh, no, that's the same as telling his followers that they need to, that they need to approach January 6th, the one against, uh, that he did yesterday against, uh, Jack Smith, the special prosecutor, he threatened his wife. He mentioned his wife and his kids at a 

Tom Sawyer: rally. I think right. It was 

Host Brian Copeland: at a rally. Was that around?

Oh my God. So here's my question for you. Um, if that were any of the 4 of us, we wouldn't have been fine. 5000 bucks, which is pocket change or another 10 grand, which is pocket change. Our asses would be sitting in a jail cell. Now there is a rumor that he's trying to get thrown in jail because by being thrown in jail, he could call himself a political prisoner and can raise millions and millions of dollars more from the idiots who are [00:20:00] willing to send him millions.

So, so tell me what you think should happen. Cause you think you should go to jail and I'm sorry. I think yes. 

Chris Riggins: I feel for the first, I feel like, and I've said this again, I wish Trump was black at this moment. So he would go to jail. I wish he was black so they can use his lyrics against him in court. I wish it was black.

So we would have been done with this years ago. Like if he, if he was black, this wouldn't be an issue because they'd be like, Oh, no, I'm in jail. Oh yeah. Use all this lyrics that he'd been spitting at these rallies. Yeah. Bars on me. Now you go into jail for these bars. I The young thug is in jail right now for Rico case based on things.

He said in rap songs Meanwhile, this guy's running around Lily threatening people Lily getting people in Syria. Like that's what happened on January 6 He told them people yo, y'all don't fight man Y'all ain't gonna have nothing to come back to and one of them people do they ran up in that capital like like lose like lunatics [00:21:00] So now he's putting all these people in danger.

Once he had mentioned my wife, I'd have been hiring security and I'd have been hiring hit men. Cause it's like, it's time to snipe this guy. I'm tired of it. Like, it's just, you don't threaten family. Like you want to keep it political. Cool. You want to go after me for my job? Fine. You bring up my family.

There is nothing but street, street mess coming from me. I'm calling all my cousins. Hey, Trump just, yo cuz, yeah, call the family. We got a ride on this fool. Like that is just, Oh. Yeah, please 

Host Brian Copeland: don't. I was gonna tell you, I, I'm the least street person you're ever going to meet. You guys don't know me. I'm the least street person you're ever gonna meet.

You threaten my family. You see how street I've become? 

Tom Sawyer: Yeah. Right. . Well, I would, I I, I'd say the judge started out ludicrously with a, with a $5,000 fine. You gotta be kidding me. First of you got, if you're gonna find somebody, you gotta make it. You know, and, and, uh, you know, I don't know if you know this, but I think it's either Germany or Sweden, they were, they have a law that you are fined for [00:22:00] traffic violations based on your income, you know, if you're in the, you know, if you're in the, uh, uh, if you're speeding, you know, and it's a 400 fine, you know, it, it kills the poor guy, right?

Yeah, it, and the, the, uh, the other good dude, the rich dude's going, I'm gonna be speeding tomorrow. Who gives a shit? You know? And so, but if you're caught speeding out there, you get fined based on your income. One guy got fined like $10,000 for a speeding ticket. Yeah, I think that's the same way that you have to be, it has to be here 

Ngaio Bealum: cops out here more incentive to pull over rich people for being assholes, right?

Like because a lot of these traffic fees and fines and parking tickets, they're just a tax on the poor and it's a way for the city to generate revenue because they refuse to tax businesses properly. That's it. Well, 

Tom Sawyer: everything should be based on, on, on your income. Uh, you know, I said this last time I was on your show was like, we shouldn't have billionaires in this country.

You know, you get to a certain [00:23:00] point, you're just basically you're taxed out of, of becoming a billionaire. It's like after a certain amount, you're taxed like 90%. You get 10, you get like 1 for your 10, uh, you know, after a certain amount of money, because there's no, there's no point in our society to have billionaires.

Billionaires serve nothing. They're addicts. That's 

Ngaio Bealum: only if you're not in favor of a fascist oligarchy, Tom. I don't understand

why you wouldn't want that to happen. 

Tom Sawyer: Any 

Host Brian Copeland: of you guys ever drive in Montana? It's been years since I've driven in Montana. Five dollars. Five dollars. Well, it 

Ngaio Bealum: was actually forty dollars. It was okay. So I got pulled it. This is like 15, 20 years ago. I got pulled over. I'm driving between, I think I was going from Billings to, 

Host Brian Copeland: uh, 

Ngaio Bealum: Glendive.

I was on a triple, triple run, right? Triple run. Oh, triple run. Uh, uh, so he pulls me over. He doesn't say anything about the smell of weed. I don't mention anything about the smell of weed. And [00:24:00] he's like, you're going too fast. The fine is 40. And I was like, that's cool. Right. Me to get my plan was I was not going to pay it.

I'm not. Coming back to the middle, but he was like, it's 40 cash right now. And so I just gave him the 40 and then he was like, where are you going? I was like, I'm going to Glendale. He's like, are you the comic? 

Tom Sawyer: Right.

Ngaio Bealum: Of course I am. I sold all my crack and billings. That's why I'm just, 

Host Brian Copeland: and I got stopped. I was driving on Christopher Titus. It was me and Titus. So we rented a car and we were going from, we were playing the black Angus in, in Billings, Montana, a black Angus in Billings, Montana. And we were on our way to the next gig, which was in Missoula.

And these were Fox gigs. These, these were not triple. These, these were jobs. It was part of a Spokane run. You do, [00:25:00] you do the weekend in Spokane and during the week you would do, you do Montana. You would do, we played, we played Idaho with those, uh, at, at that university where those four students got. In Moscow.

We played Moscow. That, that was one of the gigs where we would play. That's also where, where, where, where, uh, uh, what's her name from, uh, from, from, uh, Alaska, uh, Sarah Palin went to school there. Did she go there too? And, uh, and so, but I remember us getting pulled over and I just like, and again, I was young and stupid things I would never do.

Now I was like 21 years old and I'm mouthing off to a car, to a white cop in Montana. I must be And so he said 5 and I go, well, here, here's 10. I'm speeding again. Keep it. I mean, it's just, again, just, it came to a point where I was just, I was just like up to here, we're getting stopped for no reason. You know, I was never anti [00:26:00] cop, but just getting stopped for nothing.

I, uh, I 

Ngaio Bealum: was doing a make me laugh one time back in the nineties and you gotta send your jokes through the, Through the the sensor or whatever the standards and practices, right? Yeah, so I gave him a list of my jokes And he goes, man, you got a lot of jokes about being pulled over. I was like, well, I get pulled over a lot.

I can't fight the cops. So I got to write a joke about it. How do you think this came from? 

Chris Riggins: Good 

Host Brian Copeland: Lord. They're all true 

Tom Sawyer: stories. Oh, I actually, I got pulled over a bit because of my schedule. You know, when you're driving, when you're constantly driving, uh, at two o'clock in the morning, you know, You, you get pulled over, you know, nightclub coming home to 30.

Yeah. What are you drinking? Nothing. I own Cobb's comedy club. And they're like, Oh, you know, what do you mean snorting?

Ngaio Bealum: That's why you're 

Tom Sawyer: driving. That's why you're a little like, yeah, that's 

Chris Riggins: why he's so focused. 

Ngaio Bealum: I [00:27:00] can't let the steering wheel go up the white line. That's the old joke about the DeLorean how you know you're following DeLorean because the white line on the freeways disappear. 

Host Brian Copeland: Uh, Trump is asking in, in, in actually in solidarity with, uh, with Bernie Sanders and with all of the U S media and opposed to Jack Smith, he wants his federal trial to be televised.

And the argument for televising it is, is that that may be the only way to get to the MAGA people is that if they actually see. That this is a fair trial. And they see that all of the people testifying against them are Republicans who he picked, who worked for him or who he appointed. And so this is not some democratic deep state conspiracy.

Jack Smith, on the other hand, says, no, don't, because what this is going to do is have an intimidating factor when it comes to witnesses, I think it should be televised gavel to gavel. I think it should be [00:28:00] televised. 

Chris Riggins: I don't think it makes a difference. I don't think at this point, it doesn't matter if it's televised or not televised.

His followers are going to follow him no matter what. They don't care, but they will, they'll, they'll say, Oh, well, these people are clearly, uh, crisis actors. These people literally aren't real. All those people are like, it's like, I've been watching the tiger king. Over and over again for the past six months and the one running theme amongst these these type of thinking people is that they're right.

And no matter what is presented to them, it's the other side trying to trick them or the other side lying or the other side is not doing what they say they're doing. So it doesn't matter. I'm with Brian. I mean, honestly, Not even, I don't care at this point. Televise it or don't televise it. Just, let's either figure out a way to get these people out of our system, or let's just...

Let's just go to war. I'm tired. I'm just 

Tom Sawyer: the thing is, is I think I think we have to [00:29:00] remember, I think the overall, overall, you're absolutely right. But if we, if we like shave off like three, four or 5 percent of the, those people, they come out of there. Their deep sleep or their cult, they, they, they wake up to realize they're a cult.

That brings that number down. 'cause remember, it's only, it's not, uh, it's a ma while it's a majority of the Republican Party, the Republican party has been losing, uh, voters like, like handover fist. I think they've gone from like 33% of the population to about 27 or 28% of the population now. Yes, that, that's about right.

Yeah. So, so if you're shaving off like another two, three, I mean, they're, you are, they are impotent because they can't shed these, the crazies, the crazies, the majority of their party, but, but if you keep shedding people, if people go, I can't go with this Republican party because they're. They're anti law, they're anti constitution, they're anti military, they're anti science, [00:30:00] they're anti rights, choice, uh, anti yeah, anti uh, women's rights, they're anti everybody's rights.

The only thing they care about is their Hardcore Christian right, rights, and which they, they have anyways, but they want their right to inject their religion into our society, which isn't a right. So, they, they, if we can just shave off people, they become an, they're becoming impotent. They're no longer, uh, um, they're no longer a party.

Well, in Ohio, you're correct in that. Mean, what's amazing what happened in Ohio? 

Host Brian Copeland: Well, I just let, let Tom finish. Go. Go 

Tom Sawyer: ahead, Tom. Yeah, it it, it's really amazing what happened in Ohio in this last election, all around the country, at places like Tennessee, uh, Mississippi, all these people, uh, are, are, are waking up to the fact that these guys don't give a fuck.

They don't care about us. They, they don't, they only care about [00:31:00] power and money. That's all they care about. And once you, once you pull that curtain back, you just keep shaving off more and more and more people where eventually the party has a decision to make. We need to either dump these lunatics or, or we're going to go into oblivion.

We won't exist. 

Chris Riggins: For me, I'm not so worried about their political affiliations. I really am not worried about the vote. That part is going to be like you said, that's a good thing. I'm worried about these extreme friend is after January 6th. My mindset on them is not, Oh, let's get them to stop voting. My mindset is We have to really worry about these people being threats to people that look like me, Brian and Gaio, because that's what they do.

They may not vote, but what they do is when they feel their numbers are being constricted, when they feel they're being pressed against the wall, they come out and retaliate. And violence, and the violence isn't always perpetrated towards, towards people that look like them. It's on people that look like us.

It's on women. It's on gay people. It's on [00:32:00] trans people. They go through their community and terrorize those people. So my concern necessarily isn't about the voting aspect. That's going to be what it is. But there's very real terror, domestic terrorism that we may be facing if we don't literally look at the real issue, which is extremism from these people.

Host Brian Copeland: There was a poll that came out in the last month where they asked Republicans if, uh, if they agreed with the statement that America is in such trouble, that political violence may be necessary. And it was something like 60 percent of them said, yes, you know, and then you look at Trump's rallies and Trump's making fun of Paul Pelosi being beaten in his house.

I mean, Trump's actually making fun and the crowd laughs and applauds. 

Tom Sawyer: But the thing I think we have to remember, too, is that a lot of these white people, uh, really dangerous white people, uh, and I say dangerous as far as rhetoric is concerned, they, they, they, their houses, they're walking with, with, they're [00:33:00] walking with strollers and they, they are, uh, Obese with diabetes.

A lot of these people are really bad shape, physically in bad shape. So you can, you can, 

Chris Riggins: you don't have to be in bad shape to shoot a gun. No, but you're 

Tom Sawyer: going to be shooting it from your porch and you're an easy target when you're sitting on the porch. 

Chris Riggins: We're not talking about them. We're not, I'm not even talking about them.

I'm talking about the young ones, the ones that, that, that we think are not that are progressive and are moving along. I'm talking about the ones that are actually, that were busting windows. At the Capitol. I'm not talking about the fact that I agree with you. That ain't gonna do because like there's cops like that, but we're talking about the cops that are young, viral, and we'll shoot and beat and kill people.

So while we keep diminishing them by saying the generous that this or that, we have to take a real fact that Those people are violent because those are the ones that react and respond and violence all the time. So whether they're They've been violent toward each other 

Ngaio Bealum: recently, right? Didn't Kevin McCarthy elbow some dude yesterday?[00:34:00]

Yes! You read about this? 

Tom Sawyer: They're imposing all over the place. Some 

Ngaio Bealum: senator challenged a teamster. I really wanted that teamster and that senator to fight. I really needed Bernie to stop trying to make peace. I needed him to instigate, like, he said, your mama don't wear panties. Like, I need him. He just did a fight.

Some old school A teamster versus a senator. I was 

Tom Sawyer: ready for it. I know. It's so funny to see Bernie Sanders go in there. We're U. 

Ngaio Bealum: S. senators for God's sakes. 

Chris Riggins: What's wrong with you people? Hey, wait a minute. Hey, senators can get these hands too. Right? A country founded on violence that doesn't have violence, that thinks violence is wrong.

It's so weird to me. It's like, what? You practically celebrate blowing up. People on the 4th of July every year, but it's too much for us. Yeah. 

Ngaio Bealum: Invented guerrilla warfare is going to complain about, but that's the challenge. It's like, when you talk about having to fight these dudes physically, uh, it's not, it's not like a civil war.

It's not like a war war where everybody lines up and you just shoot each other. Right. [00:35:00] Yeah. You've created the IRA. 

Tom Sawyer: You've created, uh, 

Ngaio Bealum: uh, jihad or, or, or the Taliban, right? Because it's all going to be guerrilla movements, uh, 

Tom Sawyer: lone wolves. It's going to be pipe bombs. It's going to be, you know, done in places where the fucking hoodlum are.

And that's just hard to 

Ngaio Bealum: fight. It's hard to fight. It's a pain 

Host Brian Copeland: in the ass for everybody. Well, they say the FBI's biggest fear is lone wolves. There's another Timothy McVeigh. And they're out there. They're, they're not 

Ngaio Bealum: really lone wol though. They just pretend they're lone. 

Chris Riggins: Yeah. They, they're very much in a group.

It's, it's the leaderless 

Tom Sawyer: resistance theory. Here's the good thing about social media, though. Every, all these guys like an audience and, and they're, you know, they're, they're out there and they think they're, well, I'll go on this platform because they can't find me. Well, they're, they know those platforms and they've, uh, the FBI has already figured out a way to get in those.

So, you know, they're, they can't hide. I mean, listen. 

Ngaio Bealum: As a son of Black Panthers, I can't really trust the FBI for shit. 

Chris Riggins: Yeah. See, I love your, I love your trust in this, in the system, Tom. I [00:36:00] love it so much. I wish I could sit here and just say, yep, that's what it is. But as a black person was seeing COINTELPRO who has literally witnessed what has happened within our movements, I can't sit back and say, yeah, they're going to take the FBI is going to, going to have our back because that's why I also, how many young 

Ngaio Bealum: leaders from Ferguson ended up dead?

Chris Riggins: Just random, you know, we'll go back 

Host Brian Copeland: farther than that. All is still in jail. Go back farther than that. The FBI had had plants in the civil rights movement. His job is still in 

Tom Sawyer: prison. I saw untouchables and Kevin Costner saved everybody.

Ngaio Bealum: It's 

Chris Riggins: real. 

Tom Sawyer: It works. Mississippi burning, huh? Gene Hackman and Willem Dafoe. Solved it. 

Chris Riggins: Indie racism right 

Tom Sawyer: there. Solved it. Yeah, and that's why there's no racism today. Okay. 

Host Brian Copeland: Let me ask you, let [00:37:00] me ask you this question. If you know, Donald Trump was 77 years old, he's overweight, he eats like crap. He gets no exercise.

If Donald Trump were to drop dead of a heart attack tomorrow, would this be the end of the mega movement or would somebody else rise? And we'd still be in the same boat. He would have dropped. He would have dropped dead tomorrow. Is that, is, is that it? Are we, are we free? 

Chris Riggins: Politically? I think yes. Socially?

No. He becomes that he becomes their version of Che Guevara in a sense, you know what I mean? Like he died fighting for us like that, but I do believe they lose that political connection because I feel like what it is, and this may be my just perception looking from the outside in that a lot of the people that are on the so called Republican right side, they're only riding with him because he's popular.

If he's gone and there's no way and they don't need him anymore, I believe we get more of the old school Republicans stepping [00:38:00] up and less of the extremist Republican in that sense, they'll still be extreme. The mega people will still be out there, but they won't have that political leader to rally behind and actually get stuff done.

So, I mean, that's just my hope, but I could be wrong. 

Ngaio Bealum: I would say that some other weird ass demagogue who is not Rhonda Santas, because Rhonda Santas couldn't charm his way out of a paper bag. 

Tom Sawyer: Well, you got Carrie Lake. You got people auditioning for the part. Carrie Lake is auditioning for the part.

Marjorie Taylor Greene would jump in and be our second, you know. But none of 'em have that swag. Swag. Well, none of them are TV stars. You mean 

Chris Riggins: none of 'em have that swag baby. They don't have that Republican. 

Tom Sawyer: The Republican party is the party of TV stars. You know, if you're you, it's fine. Well, they don't, but what the, what's the Hercules dude?

Um, you know, or the guy who 

Chris Riggins: played Kevin 

Tom Sawyer: Sobo. Jim could played Jesus. He could jump in. 

Host Brian Copeland: Oh C 

Tom Sawyer: Is that Yeah. Mean he would jump in there in the New York second that those guys Yeah. Could all be [00:39:00] like. Go and they'd all be going for the for the brass ring, man, because it's all about it's all about TV personalities because those people that's what there is.

That's why that's why he's Donald Trump to begin with. He was a TV personality. He was at home alone. 

Host Brian Copeland: He was at home alone. Ronald Reagan was 

Ngaio Bealum: dead. So they settled on 

Host Brian Copeland: Trump. Uh, did you read that story about, uh, James Woods is suing the DNC claiming that the DNC has ruined his career. So he can't get work.

Ngaio Bealum: Is Kevin 

Host Brian Copeland: Sorbo joining the suit? And Dean Cain, Dean Cain is in a, and Chachi has left California. It's 

Chris Riggins: all the liberals fault. You guys 

Tom Sawyer: can't act. I have two words for the defense. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Thank you very much. Good day. Gentlemen. You know, the last career guys, the guys, what, 72 now 73 still making feature films.

You know, he was a 

Chris Riggins: Republican and I did not hate him. I did not hate him when he was [00:40:00] mayor, when he was the governor of California. Yes. He was a Republican, whatever, but it wasn't like a hate thing. It was like, we just disagree, fam. Things the same. It's not this general. Yeah. I missed those days. And that's what I'm hoping that if Trump does disappear by some, that the real Republicans will finally take their stance and say, okay, guys, you see, we can't go down that road again.

We have to get back. 

Tom Sawyer: It's too late. They have 

Chris Riggins: drifted 

Ngaio Bealum: so far, they, there's no way they, you know, you can catch a tiger, now you got to ride it. 

Tom Sawyer: Well, the big problem is, is the gerrymandering around the country. That's one, that's huge. They've cheated themselves into a corner of extremism because they wanted to keep those seeds.

So they, so they made it so extremists. are going to win. They get, you can go more extreme, more extreme, more extreme, more extreme. And until like, look, until something cataclysmic happened, we were talking about those crazy people that have a pipe bomb in a car, you see dead kids, you [00:41:00] know, uh, uh, and, and all of a sudden, and they're tied up to a guy who's got, you know, posters of Trump on his wall and, and, and Tucker Carlson, the, that movement is dead.

You think so? So what you're saying is... I don't think so. I think the overall movement is dead. You see dead kids, man. We haven't seen that yet. If 

Host Brian Copeland: that was true, we would have gun control. If Sandy Hook hadn't changed anybody's 

Tom Sawyer: minds... I'm talking about dead kids... Well, obviously we don't mind AR 15 dead kids.

But most, you know, but... You see, you have a couple hundred people die... From, you know, uh, an attack with, um, 

Chris Riggins: what we need is a black Magga person to kill one person and that's going to set it off. Just one black Magga. No, no, no. One illegal Mexican Magga person to kill a child. And guess what? We're rid of these guys for [00:42:00] life.

You gotta find a 

Host Brian Copeland: pat 

Tom Sawyer: guys, you just gotta find that. But then you gotta have Alex, uh, yeah. Uh, you know Alex Jones go. It's a false flag. 

Chris Riggins: Can we set up Geraldo Rivera to do it? ? We could if we could catch Gerald Rivera with a naked kid. 

Ngaio Bealum: It's 

Tom Sawyer: over, baby boy. I hate that guy. What happened 

Host Brian Copeland: to him because he, he used to be, um, 

Chris Riggins: you know, I mean, he 

Host Brian Copeland: made his name by exposing abusive elderly people in, in nursing homes.

That was his first major. Now he is. No, he is 

Chris Riggins: what he got. His nose broke and changed 

Host Brian Copeland: him. Oh yes. Right. On his shoulders. What was they throwing chairs or something that 

Chris Riggins: was a neo Nazi through that chair? He was like, you know, I thought it 

Tom Sawyer: was the Al Capone's vault that, that, that did it. That was 

Host Brian Copeland: over his vault.

It was just a brick wall. Um, complete change of subject. Um, I, I went and saw the press screening of the marbles last week. Uh, and [00:43:00] the marbles is, uh, Marvel's latest film with three, um, three female leads, Brie Larson, and I forget the name of the other two actresses. Okay. Thank you. And I thought the, I thought the movie was good and I thought that they were all wonderful in it, but it's the lowest grossing, it's the lowest opening in the history of the 33 Marvel films.

And Chris, you posted on Facebook that the reason it's just, you read the comments and it's just, it's all guys that are just slamming this film and you posted on Facebook something to the effect of that it was misogyny was the reason behind it. And the reason that it failed. You want to 

Chris Riggins: elaborate on it?

Well, I was mostly talking about the complaints where the, where that was more directed to the people that are complaining that it's not good. We're all men. It wasn't, it was just really all comic book nerd or dudes saying, Oh, this movie sucked and I was trying to push this female agenda and da da da.

That's what I'm speaking to. We can't see it. Oh, sorry. Sorry. But, uh, As far [00:44:00] as the failure for the movie, it's the actor strike. These actresses, these actors have not been able to promote their film. So of course the ratings are down, but it still made a hundred million in his first week. So I'm not saying that's great by a Marvel standard, but no, what's happened is.

There's two factions of it. There's the fact that there's an actor strike. Nobody's been able to promote all movies are down right now. If you look across the box office, all the movies that have released during the strike or, you know, right after are all down because actors couldn't promote. Um, but as far as the misogyny towards this movie, there's definitely a big swell of, of, of incel men who are like, we don't like this because it's, you know, it's, it's trying to make us woke.

And the funny thing is she Hulk. One of the, one of the, one of another great show for Marvel got the same backlash. It's just. It's just this, this, this comic book culture of men who feel that the only characters that can exist are the men that they've fallen in love with [00:45:00] through their childhood and through their adulthood and want to be with.

Like I always say that if men looked at women the way they looked at LeBron and their favorite comic book character, women would feel so much more loved in this world. Um, and, and just to hear that it's really only dudes who have complaints about it, none of them are like, well, I don't like the movie because cinematography didn't fit the story.

Or none of these people are just like, I don't like the fact that trying to make me watch women be in the league. 

Host Brian Copeland: People actually 

Tom Sawyer: posted that. But I would argue that, uh, Marvel since end game, Marvel's been going downhill. Um, that's subjective rocket sled and financially their movies have gotten. I've done worse and worse.

Ant Man was, uh, was a flop. It was terrible. 

Chris Riggins: Yeah. But you know why? Everything's on Disney plus. So what it is, people are saying literally all those movies come out on Disney plus a month or two after the release in theater. So that's [00:46:00] what's been happening. The fact that people are like, well, I don't have to go spend.

30, 40 at the movie theater. I can literally wait for it to come to my home and watch it then, because that's what I did with Wakanda forever, unfortunately, because I didn't have the time to go to the theater. So I waited for it to be on Disney plus, which I'm paying for and I watched it. So I think Marvel's plan switched up after end game because they got that contract with Disney plus they started making everything more series.

Like after, after end game, we had like, what WandaVision, uh, Falcon in the winter soldier, 

Host Brian Copeland: you know, we. 

Tom Sawyer: All guy was good. Yeah. But movie, movie wise, we got BL Black Widow, which we, which, you know, 

Chris Riggins: which should been released five years earlier Exactly. 

Tom Sawyer: Shoulda released before Endgame and, and it was a good movie.

Yeah. The Eternals, which introduced a bunch of superheroes that apparently weren't around for the Snap. Uh, yeah, that's what I never 

Host Brian Copeland: got. You're supposed to be paying. No, they were, we 

Chris Riggins: hit a, you hit a, but they didn't get involved. But they can't get involved because they're going to alter the, you know, [00:47:00] what, what it was, they didn't realize that their path was to build life on the planet.

And what happened was when the snap came, like half a life disappeared. So then their mission got compromised. It was like, Oh snap, the things we needed to build the celestial are gone. So now we have to try to figure it out. And then they got a conscious and they were like, wow, this isn't really right. So I think what the thing is for me is like, I'm looking at it as a whole story.

Every bit is not going to be, As good as the last or it's not going to be what I saw 10 years ago because no we're on a different MCU We're in a multiverse We're in where there's 500 different possibilities of how a story can go because there's 500 variants of everybody now So I think what they're doing is they're weaving a different kind of story They're not so much reliant on you know the action and the blowing up and all that because it's changed and then you have to add some kind of Psychologicalness to it and then there's different Levels of it, you know, like you had falcon winter soldier, which is kind of like military, you know, suspense, uh, you got Wanda [00:48:00] vision, which is fantasy and, and, and one of these, you got, yeah, then you got ant man, which is sci fi fiction, you know, and then you got, uh, Dr.

Strain, which is kind of blending all those together. Yeah. They try to go with Sam. 

Host Brian Copeland: Actually, that was good too. I'm trying to think since end game, you've only got a handful that were any good. 

Tom Sawyer: I hate it. Love and thunder. That was 

Ngaio Bealum: horrible. Marvels was great. Eternals was really good, right? It was, of 

Tom Sawyer: course, is it's 

Ngaio Bealum: always like, what did I say?

If you like something, you tell two people. If you hate something, you're going to tell everybody. Yeah, exactly. So these cats go out of their way to hate. Everyone has got to relax because it's a fucking comic book. So let's 

Chris Riggins: make everything right. It's 

Ngaio Bealum: a comic book movie. It's supposed to be kind of silly.

It's supposed to be kind of fun. We're just going to put a comic book on the page. Not everything has to be grim dark. Not [00:49:00] everything 

Chris Riggins: has 

Ngaio Bealum: to be so ridiculous, right? Everybody had a good time in that Marvel's film. The action was fun. Right. The characters were fine. Yep. Uh, the acting was great. I thought the acting was great.

It's great. He's still great. 

Chris Riggins: Watch Batman. You want Grimdark? There's a whole line of Batman. There's a whole 

Ngaio Bealum: line of Grimdark. And 

Chris Riggins: Dark. Even in Marvel, if you want to Grimdark, you could go, uh, You can watch Daredevil. Or Orpheus. Yeah, you can watch some of like go back and watch, uh, like, you know, like, uh, Jessica Jones and stuff 

Ngaio Bealum: like that.

Watch Punisher, watch Daredevil. Don't watch Iron Fist. That guy is terrible. 

Host Brian Copeland: I like Luke, Luke Cage, the bulletproof black man. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 

Chris Riggins: Yeah. You can't go wrong. Shout out to them for not going with the racist tropes on that 

Tom Sawyer: one. I will say that, uh. Shang Chi was also good, by the way. I said Shang Chi was great.

Um, uh, I will say that everything. Everything that is super popular eventually has a backlash. Yep. Yes. Yep. So, it was, it was only a [00:50:00] matter of time before Marvel's backlash happened. And that's what we're seeing right now. We're just seeing movies that we thought, would have thought before were good. You know, now aren't so good and now are, you know, I mean, the first Marvel, Captain Marvel movie was made a billion three, you know, at the box office, but it 

Host Brian Copeland: was, it was, it was between infinity wars and end game.

And, and it was set up in the, in the post credit scenes and infinity wars. And so you knew that it was coming, but it was the placement of the release of that film was made. And also you got the same misogynistic crap about that film before it was even screened. You had people, you know, had the fan boys who were posting all of this misogynistic crap about that film and the film was good.

About Captain Marvel. The first Captain Marvel. Yeah. Yeah. The first Captain Marvel. You know, but I will, I will, I will say this. I would like to quote. I'll go out, I'll go out on a limb and I'll [00:51:00] say this, and that is that it's, it's going to be hard to, everything is viewed through the lens of Endgame.

Endgame was so good. Endgame was terrible. What are you on crack and game is one of the Brian for real 

Ngaio Bealum: But it was it was horrible. It was horrible. Once you start traveling. Yes, it was all fan service Once you start time traveling You're all your logic. All your writing gets lazy. It was not great. Uh, and that was the challenge of what they set up.

I mean, there's really no way to get that story satisfactorily, but it served its purpose and it 

Chris Riggins: was 18 years old. Yeah, but it was not objectively good. Well, here's the thing. You know what? Here's what you got to keep in mind with these movies. These movies are built on the actor's contracts. So you got to remember, Robert Downey Jr.

was at the end of a contract. And they're like, how do we exit him in the most grand way that gives him the dignity for all the years he's done, and [00:52:00] also gives us a chance to move the story along? Because we can't keep going back. To the infinity stones. We have to be with AI. 

Ngaio Bealum: Now they're going to keep going back.

Iron man will never get old. It's all. 

Chris Riggins: That's the one thing I can't appreciate about all the Batman movies is they have allowed Batman to be different people. They have allowed him to be, you know, Michael Keaton and Val Kilmer and Batman has been now Christian Bale. And, and, and that dude from Batman 

Host Brian Copeland: was great.

Thank you for not mentioning George Clooney. Thank you for not mentioning George Clooney. 

Chris Riggins: We've seen Batman be able to be so many people that we have to remember, like you said, it's comic books. So at the end, the end game, we can't sit there and say, well, they didn't do the time thing. Right. You know, I wouldn't, it's just kind of like, you know what I got, we got to see, I still saw her.

I still, I 

Tom Sawyer: guess you would be.

Chris Riggins: They had to, they had to exit characters out. They had to [00:53:00] characters out. So they had to make it where you felt that that's so bad. You felt it so hard to, yeah. It's hard to accept something coming after. That's not bad. And the thing is, I love you 

Ngaio Bealum: 3000. I would just like, I would like to quote, I would like to quote the visionary poet, Taylor Swift.

When I say. Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. I 

Host Brian Copeland: love you 3000. Speaking of 

Ngaio Bealum: that, 3000 has got a new album 

Chris Riggins: coming out on Friday. Yes. Well no, we can't even talk about how like, you know, with Andre 3000, people have been wanting Andre 3000 because he decides to create something that he wants to create.

And I've seen nothing but people say, Oh, nobody will hear Andre 3000 play flute. Oh, nobody. And it's just like, I'm here for it. First. Can it come out first? Can we listen to 

Tom Sawyer: it? What is he going to do? Is he going to do Jethro Tull classics? No, he's 

Host Brian Copeland: SITTING ON A HARD BENCH Alright, so maybe maybe I've been in a cave for the last [00:54:00] couple of months and I probably have because I don't follow music as much as I should.

Has Lizzo bounced back from that bad publicity? 

Chris Riggins: Do you guys know? Lizzo's been on tour. Lizzo's been working. Lizzo's done photo shoots. It's one of those things where it's like The people that hate Lizzo are going to hate Lizzo regardless of what's out there. The people that love Lizzo are still going to go to her shows and support her.

And I think at the end of the day, that bad publicity is always somebody that's just like, cause like the whole thing was, I don't get mad when fat people call other fat people fat. That's not my life. That's not my business. You know what I'm saying? That's like when me and Guy O and black people speaking and we use the N word amongst each other.

That's us. But if, if Tom decides he wants to jump in the conversation, I use the word now we going to have a conversation, but I don't see how to get all Bill Maher on you. Right. That's like, that's literally like if somebody came out with a report saying I'm racist because I called the black people around me in words.

Cause I'm, uh, [00:55:00] you know what I'm saying? Like, oh, you know, Chris Rick is racist. Cause he called his friend a coon, man. We was joking, you know what I mean? Whether it was joking or not, whatever. I just feel like she didn't have to bounce back. She's fine. Just like Dave Chappelle didn't have to bounce back.

Just like Louis CK is not having to bounce back because he went and laid low and he just said, I'm gonna do me. And the people that support that are going to 

Tom Sawyer: go support that. Yeah, I mean, his career will never be the same, but he'll, we're not going to, I'm not going to worry about him financially though, you know, I think he's going to be fine.

He's got stand up. He's got a crowd to realize, uh, you know, that loves him. So 

Host Brian Copeland: let me ask you something, Tom, cause you, you, you brought up Bill Maher. You booked Bill Maher, didn't you? Yeah. Back at Cobbs. Um, what the hell happened to him? Why? Uh, seriously, what the hell happened to him? 

Tom Sawyer: Well, um, I, you know, I, Bill's the old man on the porch, you know, he's, he's the guy, he's the, the dude, get off my lawn, you sons of bitches.

You know, he's [00:56:00] become that guy. He's become the old guy and he's all in my yard. 

Host Brian Copeland: I'm keeping 

Tom Sawyer: it. Yeah. He's that dude. You know, and it's sad, um, and, you know, but Bill's always been, you know, there's a reason why Bill's never been married and never really had a relationship. He's a narcissist. All black women.

He's, he's, he's, 

Host Brian Copeland: All black women. Yeah, 

Tom Sawyer: and he likes to use, It's all about you loving Bill. So, all these right wing people who know how to use Bill, which is, you know, and, and Bill knows how to use them, and they're, that's why they're having this love fest, like Ben Shapiro's on the show and stuff like that.

They're, they're just, they're just using him. He's using them and, and. And they'll, everybody, everybody will do that whole thing of, uh, you know, you're so brave for having me on your show. Oh, you're so brave for being on my show. You're we're all, we're both so brave, you know, and meantime, they're white people and there are liberals who won't do my show anymore because of what I said in the past, you know?

But if you look at his guest [00:57:00] list, I have to look up the people half the time, because all the people that were stars that used to do a show. They're not doing a show anymore. Oh, so, um, so I haven't watched his show in probably about like two years. I think I watched like three minutes of the Elon Musk interview.

And before what an ass kissing festival that was. And I just churned out because first of all, I hate. Fucking Elon Musk and, you know, and then watching Bill Maher, like, you know, give him a big boy. He had the balls. That's all I'm saying. He was cupping. He was like, dude, a little tickle, you know,

Host Brian Copeland: final, final topic. And this is what I should have seen coming. Um, target. It was gotten so much trouble from the right wing and the MAGA people during pride having rainbow flags. They had rainbow flags and a couple of like stuffed animals and rainbow shirts. And so the MAGA people went crazy. So they took the stuff off the shelves and wouldn't sell [00:58:00] it.

Well, well now they have some black Santa Claus dolls. It's a black Santa Claus, uh, paraphernalia that they're selling for Hollywood and the mega people are going crazy. In fact, one guy was on Fox news who said that black Santa Claus has made him stop believing. Wow. 

Tom Sawyer: His parents, when he was 12 years old, but it took a 

Chris Riggins: black Santa to do that.

Tom Sawyer: Megan, what's her face from? It used to be on Fox. Uh, Megan Kelly actually, who actually said on air, like everybody knows Santa Claus is white. It's like, and got like outraged. 

Chris Riggins: I'm okay with that. I'm okay with Santa being white. Cool. Keep them. They ain't got, look, white people don't have many role models left.

And I feel like if we keep taking a role models way, whether they're real or fake, we just go really lose white people to Magda. So I feel like let them have said, Matt, that keep us out of it. I don't want to see a black Santa. I don't want to go to a [00:59:00] black mall and see a black Santa. Nope. Don't believe it because I got, I have a joke about this and I clearly say.

They would have killed black Santa in the 60s black Santa wouldn't you what does a black man break into my house every 

Ngaio Bealum: year? Not on my 

Host Brian Copeland: watch. 

Tom Sawyer: I Bet you that bag was empty before he came in the house 

Chris Riggins: Right now I'm cool black people ain't that given We, we don't want to give to all the children. I don't like all the kids.

Like I'm not, I'm my 

Host Brian Copeland: girlfriend to surprise me. Yes. Right. I mean, listen, 

Ngaio Bealum: you can go to Amsterdam and black people already have swarthy Pete. 

Chris Riggins: Isn't that enough? 

Host Brian Copeland: So, so my, so my girlfriend wanted to surprise me yesterday. She hit me right home and she said she had a surprise for me and out in, out in the corner, nook next to my front door is a six foot black Santa Claus.

That she got from me, a big, a big six foot with, he's got the bag. He's got a plate of cookies in the, in the whole [01:00:00] thing. And, and I'll tell you that, and this is the thing I'm the most ashamed of. It scared the shit out of me three or four times because I come out of the house and I open the door and I go this way and there's like a big brother looking over my shoulder and I turn around.

And I don't realize that it's Santa Claus, cause I'm not 

Chris Riggins: used to 

Host Brian Copeland: Santa, I'm just coming in my house at two o'clock in the morning and there's this big red looking over my shoulder. So 

Tom Sawyer: anyway, so that's the whole white dude shooting at your porch. Well, that's good. I 

Ngaio Bealum: had a 12 foot skeleton. 

Host Brian Copeland: That's common and see before this, nobody knew black people lived here.

So thanks for putting a big black sand out. Now they all want to know where the black people live. Look for the big black Louis six foot black Santa clothes. All right. There you go. So, uh, let's see, Tom, you got, you got a movie that's an IMDb. 

Tom Sawyer: Yeah, the comedy club. And you can go to my website, Tom Sawyer voices.[01:01:00]

com and click on the Cobbs comedy club page or click on the documentary page. And then and then there's a link right there to the movie on Tubi. It's also on Amazon Prime and Plex and Xfinity on demand. And there's also a page with Cobbs and all kinds of pictures. I believe you're on my website and Gaio.

Yeah, Brian. Yeah. Yeah. I've seen it. There's so many pictures from parties at Cobb's. Um, well, that's awesome. Yeah. You should check it out. There's amazing photos. Uh, bring back, bring back a lot of memories. 

Host Brian Copeland: That was away from home. That, that place was, 

Tom Sawyer: yeah, there's a lot Engayo. So, you know, from all our co the cobs, uh, Christmas parties and stuff.


Host Brian Copeland: God. Those were fun. Yeah. The Halloween party too. Halloween party was a blast. All 

Tom Sawyer: the parties. Yeah. I would tell everybody, cause there's so many pictures of so many amazing comedians from the eighties, nineties, and, uh, you know, my time, which was 1982 to, um, to 2012, so all kinds of [01:02:00] amazing, that's a long 

Ngaio Bealum: time to

Host Brian Copeland: do anything.

Yeah, it really is. I think you should open another club. Tom. I've been thinking about that. We need you. Yeah. Brian's 

Tom Sawyer: house. I'm going to open up. Yeah, I'm going to open up a club where you can bring in rubber bands and play with them for an hour.

No, I think you lost me. Yeah, I did. I lost you. I think it was that. 

Host Brian Copeland: However, you know what? That made me think I'm going to throw a plug out. I'm going to throw a plug out. I saw Rob Reiner's new documentary on Albert Brooks. It's on max. It's on max right now. It's brilliant. It's absolutely brilliant. I'm telling you, watch it 90 minutes.

And it's one of those documentaries that when it was over, I was bummed that it was over. Wow. That's how good it was. This guy would go on the tonight show. And do something he'd never even tried before, you know, like you work out your set and you make sure that it's perfect for the second. He would go, he would think of something in the afternoon [01:03:00] and then go on the tonight show and Carson trusted it.

And he always killed. And he would do some just bizarre performance art, Andy Kaufman kind of thing, and would always kill him. So, so see it, it's called, uh, it's called Albert Brooks defending my life. And it's like a, it's, it's a cradle. It's a cradle to grave doc. So definitely see it. Yeah, I got it. Where can people see you?


Tom Sawyer: wherever I am, 

Ngaio Bealum: I'm going to be in this Sunday at Jamison's roadhouse. Uh, you can follow me on all the social media, NGA, I O four two zero. Um, I'm going to be at the Alameda comedy club with Shane Forbes, actually, uh, the weekend after Thanksgiving. And then I'll be in Vegas at the MJ biz con, just wandering the hallways, uh, the week after that.

So come through. 

Host Brian Copeland: Are you working New Year's Eve? 

Ngaio Bealum: Uh, you know, I just picked up a gig on New Year's Eve. I'll be in San Rafael.

Chris Riggins: I think I would've to look 

Host Brian Copeland: somewhere. I'm, I'm thinking, I mean, probably you gonna be in show [01:04:00] every year. Uh, hold on. I'll look it up. . Okay, well, while looking it up, lemme talk to Chris while you're looking it up. Chris. And are, are you out with Chappelle still? 

Chris Riggins: Uh, no, we're on break till, uh, December. Uh, but November 29th, Wednesday, I will be headlining the San Francisco punchline.

So please buy your tickets. Come through. It's going to be a great show. Uh, my first headline he said at the punchline. So come out and support. 

Tom Sawyer: Marin Shakespeare, the 

Ngaio Bealum: Marin Shakespeare company in San Rafael. It's like an early show. Seven 30. 

Host Brian Copeland: They just called me out of the blue. I got a call from them yesterday asking me if I wanted to play there.

Verily. And so, yeah, so we're looking at some dates for next year. So I'll be out there and I'm going to throw a plug to, uh, well, during the shutdown, I wrote a crime novel and then I was sold and it was supposed to be published in, uh, in June and they liked it so much that they moved it up to May 1st [01:05:00] and now they moved it up again to April 23rd.

They think it's going to be a summer read. It's called, it's called outraged. Uh, and, uh, it was supposed to be April 23rd, that pre orders were available. And then they moved it up to a couple of days ago. So pre orders are available now. They go, it's called outraged. Just go to, uh, go to Amazon and you can, uh, you can pre order it.

It is, uh, it's going to be a controversial book. What the, what the premise of it is, is somebody is killing cops who have shot unarmed black people. And the, the, uh, the, the protagonist is, is an investigator and guest investigative reporter, and he's, he and his sister's SFPD are, are the ones who were in charge of trying to find out who it is that's doing it.

So, uh, so that's it outrage, pick it up, check it out, support me. I appreciate it. All right. All right. Tom Sawyer and Guy O'Belum. Chris Riggins. Thanks guys. Always a pleasure to have you. Thank 

Tom Sawyer: you for having me. Yes, we 

Host Brian Copeland: will. Always. See you later. [01:06:00] All right. That's going to do it for us. I will check you out next to actually I will not check you out next week because next week is Thanksgiving.

We're going to take Thanksgiving week off. So I'll see you in two weeks. So until then if you want to support Support the show. There are lots of ways you can do it. Tell anybody, you know, any way that you possibly can. Uh, if you were listening to us, as opposed to watching us, go to the platform that you're listening to us on and give us a five star review.

Cause that helps people to find us. If you were somebody watching us on YouTube, please subscribe. Cause as soon as we get 1000 subscribers, we can do this live as opposed to doing a tape one day, or I should say recorded one day and then drop the next. So if you've not subscribed, it's absolutely free.

Please do so. So have a wonderful Thanksgiving, uh, with your family. And, uh, there's, there's lots in spite of the state of the world. There's still lots to be grateful for. So until next time, be kind to your neighbor. He knows where you 

Ngaio Bealum: live.[01:07:00]