Copeland's Corner with Brian Copeland

Media Bias, A Town Hall Fiasco & Sally Field Shares Her Abortion

Episode Summary

Guests this week: Cathy Sorbo, Yayne Abeba, & Tom Sawyer.

Episode Notes

Brian Copeland hosts an all new edition of Copeland's Corner, featuring guests Cathy Sorbo, Yayne Abeba, and Tom Sawyer. The discussion spans several topics including Trump's cognitive abilities, media bias in political coverage, and the socio-political landscape influenced by evangelical churches in the Deep South. The conversation also touches on voter behavior, particularly among women, and the impact of potential Roe vs. Wade reversals. Yayne’s move to Brentwood, Nashville, is contrasted with Tom Sawyer's background in comedy. Personal anecdotes, including Sally Field's experience with an illegal abortion and reflections on the careers of prominent women, provide a poignant commentary on women's rights.


For more from our guests...

Cathy Sorbo: and @CathySorbo on IG

Yayne Abeba: @YayneAbeba on Instagam

Tom Sawyer:

Episode Transcription

EP188 - Copeland's Corner with Cathy Sorbo, Yayne Abeba & Tom Sawyer

Host Brian Copeland: [00:00:00] Hello again, this is Brian Copeland talking, welcome to another edition of Copeland's Corner. We've got a great show today. We've got comics, Cathy Sorbo, Yayne Abeba. Tom Sawyer is with us. We're going to talk about a whole bunch of things from Trump's cognition to whether or not the media is treating him the same way they treated Joe Biden.

And we're going to talk about whether or not the overturning to drive more women to the polls. And a heartbreaking story that Sally Field tells about, well, you just have to. And we're going to show it to you. So, uh, make sure that you tune in either while watch us on YouTube or listen to us on your favorite podcast provider, all of that coming up right now.

[00:01:00] Okay. So I'll be getting some emails from listeners and from viewers saying, when are you going to have some women on the show? We, we, we just had to get around to it. We, we, we are booked way far in advance. There are plenty of very, very funny and very, very, uh, uh, astute. Female comics, uh, who are working and who have agreed to be on the program.

Have two of them with us today. Uh, Cathy Sorbo is with us. Hi, Cathy. How are you? 

Cathy Sorbo: I'm great. Thanks 

Host Brian Copeland: Where are you? 

Cathy Sorbo: I'm in Seattle, Washington and my husband's music studio. 

Host Brian Copeland: Oh, your husband's a musician. No

He's just and I can't read as a matter of fact I'm completely illiterate. I can't read at all. Uh, Guy, the album Who I've not seen in forever. When we were doing this on, on, uh, on radio back in the day, you were one of my regular guests, I think he might've been my last guest, [00:02:00] but I believe you were on that, that very last show that we did.

So, um, welcome. I was surprised we were talking about the area. You have moved to the Bay area to Nashville. What makes you go to Nashville, Tennessee, especially as a woman of color? 

Yayne Abeba: Well, um, I'm actually in Brentwood, which is just outside. It's like the Mill Valley of Nashville. It's a little bougie. You know, I'm a little bougie.

Um, I have a cousin who lives here. Her husband used to play for the Titans and she's my best friend. And I come and visit her all the time. And I just couldn't afford to live in San Francisco anymore. Um, and so for a fraction of what I was paying in rent there, I have. What's considered a luxury apartment and you know, it's my money goes farther here.


Host Brian Copeland: I was reading today in the Chronicle, San Francisco Chronicle, there is an exodus where people are planning, a large number of people are planning to get out when [00:03:00] they can, primarily because of COVID. Of the prices. I mean, you know, trying to get a starter home or even a starter apartment. It's, it's, it's just ridiculous.

I don't, I don't know how you do it. There's got to be some kind of a, of a, of a market correction at some point. Hopefully, I 

Yayne Abeba: don't know. I mean, but everyone's moving from California to here. So how everyone in the Bay Area felt about tech bros is how they feel about Californians here. Because we're apparently driving up the price of everything 

Host Brian Copeland: that happens.

Same thing with Austin. It's the same. You know, what's interesting is all of these big places. Oh, and I should mention, by the way, excuse me, Tom, Tom Sawyer is here, who's, um, the co executive producer of the podcast, uh, owner, former owner and creator of Cobb's Comedy Club, so I want to make sure that I introduce you, so you know, just sit there, um, but, but what I have found is there are all these places in the South, like, like, um, you know, my, my people come from Birmingham, Birmingham.

You know, my, my great grandfather moved everybody at North, [00:04:00] um, before I was bored up to Ohio, uh, I said, I played there for the first time. My fence, my fists were cleansed. Cause all I knew about Birmingham was watching video of fire hoses on kids. You know, uh, I have been to a lot Atlanta, all of these Southern places.

And what I find is, is that they're just like everywhere else because everyone there. Is from somewhere else. That, that's the thing that's fascinating that from all from other parts of the country, now you get outside of the major cities and you get to the little, you know, Burberry places, you'll find the clan.

You don't find you. 

Yayne Abeba: I mean, the, the clan was founded in Pulaski. Pulaski is two and a half, three hours away from here. 

Host Brian Copeland: So, well, you know, even here in the Bay area, you know, I was reading a story and Piedmont, which is a very bougie area. Uh, next to Oakland, that, uh, the first black family who moved in there.

Um, and they moved [00:05:00] in by having a white family, uh, by the property. And then quick claim it over. That's the only way they got in. Mm-Hmm. . And when they were being harassed and hassle and vandalism, they couldn't call the police because the chief of police was the head of the KK k. Now that's here in the Bay area.

The, the, the head of the police department was the, the grand imperial, not surprised. Of the Ku Klux Klan. So, you know, so what do you want? You know, uh, okay, lots and lots and lots to, uh, to talk about. Here's what I want to start with. And that is, um, a number of stories I read this morning. That they are hiding Trump.

The Republicans are doing the best they possibly can. To hide Trump. They are not giving him any tough interviews. They are only putting him on, on, uh, and by the way, economists doing the same thing in terms of doing, uh, like the view and stuff like he's not doing the view, but he's doing, you know, Newsmax and Fox news and podcasts with right wing talks or hosts [00:06:00] who are going to be, uh, friendly and not asking me any tough questions.

And he's messing those up. He's messing those up. Even And when he gives speeches he rambles and he can't stay on one topic. He gave a speech to a bunch of billionaire donors Uh, and they all walked out going what the hell was that? He is not all there and to prove that he is not all there This this is the very first time we we've been on youtube now about 11 shows.

This is uh, We got 100 this show number 178 if you're listening, by the way Um, this is the first time we're going to show a clip. You sorry, you can't see the clip on, on, if you want to come back later and watch it on YouTube, you can. Um, this is Trump in, uh, in, in Oak, Pennsylvania, uh, which is about 20 miles from Vince, uh, from Philadelphia.

They're making lots of Pennsylvania stops because basically whoever wins Pennsylvania is going to win it. So, he's in old Pennsylvania, it's a town hall meeting, [00:07:00] he's supposed to be doing a question and answer period. Christine Noem, who shot her puppy in the face to prove how tough 

she is. 

Host Brian Copeland: Who does that?

She's moderating it, and because of the heat, a number of people were fainting. So, because people were fainting, here's what Trump did. We'll do a little clip of this. Here's what Trump did. minutes. 

Let's not do any more questions. Let's just listen to music. Let's make it into a music. Who the hell wants to hear questions?

Let me hear that music, please. Everyone, let's thank President Trump. I should laugh. God bless you. Listen to me. It's fun to stay at home. Hallelujah. That's what I'm talkin about. That's what I'm talkin about. Praise to you.[00:08:00]

Host Brian Copeland: Okay, that's about all of it. I'm just gonna go back to summer. See you all again. I missed that. Worst part, you cut it off before Guns and roses. Well, you know, the worst part of this is, is that he is more rhythm than I do. That's the embarrassing part. No, , 

Cathy Sorbo: that's, IM, no, I refuse to believe that 

Host Brian Copeland: you haven't met me.

Uh, but it's just, I. 40 minutes. Who wants to hear questions? It's a town [00:09:00] hall meeting. You're supposed to be talking about policy. What you're going to do if you're elected is that he's swaying to YMCA. So I'll ask you that. I'm gonna ask you two questions. One is, do you think the man's losing it? That's the first day.

The second question is, do you think that the media, the mainstream media is being As thorough and hit in the coverage of his cognitive abilities as they were with biting when, when all after that debate, anytime, you know, Biden stumbled on a word, it was the front page of the New York Times. So, your thoughts, anybody speak up.

Yayne Abeba: Well, I. I think he's lost it. Not, is he losing it? I think it's, it's been lost. I think it was lost before Biden pulled out of the race. Um, I don't think the media is covering it the same way they covered Biden. Um, I'll see headlines where there was 1 [00:10:00] rally he did right before in Arizona, the 1 where he talked about because he couldn't pronounce Arizonans.

Um, the headline the next day was, um, oh no, sorry, actually it was the California one that he did in Coachella. The headline the next day was, um, Trump is tough on Kamala for immigration in his California rally. 

Host Brian Copeland: Yeah, they clean it up. They completely clean it up, you know, in terms of this stuff. He says, when you look at look at what he actually said, and then you look at what I think Rachel Maddow had a thing where she did that and showed, you know, showed a clip and then, okay, here's what the New York Times said, here's what the Washington Post said, and they're cleaning it up.

So unless you're watching, you don't know that, you know, he sounds loony toots. So Kathy, 

Cathy Sorbo: well, that whole dance routine had [00:11:00] me shaking my head. I just don't understand what the thought process or lack of would be to just forget about it. Let's, you know, 49 minutes of dancing together. I mean, that's just so proof.

That's all you need to see. Was it dancing, 

Yayne Abeba: Kathy? 

Cathy Sorbo: Was that dancing? Well, this 

Host Brian Copeland: part was. The thing that I love, the thing that I love is you got all the MAGA people holding up their phones recording it. What do you record? I mean, it's like moving a statue an inch. Every couple 

Yayne Abeba: of seconds, my favorite part of that video was everyone behind him who was like, must act like we're enjoying ourselves.

Like, they looked like they were being held hostage. I didn't know that Trump liked music. I didn't know that Trump liked anything. So I was [00:12:00] surprised, but 

Host Brian Copeland: apparently that apparently that was his playlist is what they claim. So he's a big Sinead O'Connor fan. And a big Village People fan. 

Cathy Sorbo: Pavarotti. Oh yeah, he started with Pavarotti.

Host Brian Copeland: Cause he's 

Cathy Sorbo: cultured!

Tom Sawyer: Tom? Yeah? Anything to chime in with? I love Grandpa Dancing. It's uh, it's the new fad. It's, uh, it's, uh, it's one of those things that I always say when somebody looks stupid doing something and, and, uh, or when I, when I look stupid doing something, I always say, Hey, it's like the kids are doing it. This is how the kids are dancing these days.

Yeah. They just poop themselves. That's, well, that's my dog that farted. 

Yayne Abeba: Supposedly, he had a music man in the White House, and when he would freak out or get super [00:13:00] emotional, he would call for him, and this guy would come in and play music to soothe him, like you do for a wild beast or a baby. That's his thing.

When he's freaking out or he can't handle something, he has someone come in and play his favorite songs for him 

Host Brian Copeland: because music comes the savage soothe the savage beast. Isn't that the old? Yeah, isn't that the old saying? Well, it's just so bizarre because the fact I mean, well, he's so bizarre in so many ways.

I was reading like the ways that he's like, he doesn't have a best friend. I mean, you know, he doesn't have a best friend. He grew up with a buddy who he calls and confides in. He's the first president, like a billion years, not to have a dog. I mean, not, not even a best friend. And he can't even get a dog to be his best friend.

And just, I mean, it's like there's nothing that, you know, what does the guy like, do you have any hobbies, you collect stamps? [00:14:00] I mean, you know, is there, is there anything that's, that, that, that's relatable? You know, and, and that's the thing I don't get about the people who follow him. It's like, you know, you work in a factory all day.

Or you, um, oh, did you see this where he pissed off the auto workers? He was talking in Detroit and he told the auto workers that, um, basically what they do is just take parts out of boxes. 

Yayne Abeba: Yeah. Five year old could do it. That's what he said. Five year old could do it. 

Tom Sawyer: Yeah, he can't say enough things that would destroy a normal guy running for president.

Just a normal dude running for president. Any, anybody campaign in the last, since in my lifetime, my lifetime, he checked off like every single way you could have destroyed your campaign. I mean, how many times over the last, you know, uh, 12 years have we go? Oh, that's the end of him. He just said he just did that that thing that that normally destroy somebody.

He's it's [00:15:00] it's stunning to me. I always it's actually not stunning anymore. It's like, how is the media going to ignore it this time because they they do it every time 

Yayne Abeba: they're going to talk about policies. Yeah, but she's not, we don't know her policies, the ones that are in detail on her website that she talks about all the time, those policies.

Okay, cool. 

Host Brian Copeland: Yeah, like you're supposed to do those in a 2 minute or 3 minute, in a 2 or 3 minute interview. Um, I was telling the kids about Gary Hart. I get about how it used to be like, remember Gary Hart, who was like a favorite to, to, to win the democratic national convention, I think it was 88 or 92, something like that.

And a married guy, married family, man. And a picture popped up to him with this good looking blonde, a fawn hall, I believe her name was sitting on his lap on a boat called the monkey business. And that was it. It was over. That was it. I mean, now what towards the Trump [00:16:00] recording says, yeah, he likes to grab women by the hoo ha.

That's not disqualifying, but having a woman sit on your lap. I mean, you could have plenty of plausible explanations for that. You could talk your way out of that. If you need it. 

What would you say? 

Tom Sawyer: That's the thing I ask people all the time when I refer to Trump is it's, it's He's a self confessed and adjudicated sexual assaulter.

How do you work your head around that? It's not like somebody, women came out and said he did this and he's never been that guy. He says, I am that guy. 


Tom Sawyer: then women come out and say it and they go, well, they're all lying. Was, was he lying? Because he, what are the odds that he just grabbed somebody? You know, uh, sexually like that.

And, um, they're not a miss, you know, they're not like, Hey, what the, you know, like you would do, like any of us would do with anybody like that. If they grabbed us like that, [00:17:00] we'd ju we'd jump up, we'd jump out of our skin. Mm-Hmm. . Yeah. Um, you know, yeah, we would and, and well in the south, 

Yayne Abeba: oh, I'm sorry. No, please go ahead.

In the south, I've gotten perspective now that I live in the South, um, because I live in. I mean, this is Trump land. Tennessee voted. What was it? Like 70 percent of Tennessee voted for Trump in the last in 2020 and 2016. 

Host Brian Copeland: Oh, they have by the way, Tennessee. As far as, you know. I don't know. I'm going to take what I said.

Take your states. That's what they call states that get more. They're actually federal government than what it is. Oh, I thought you meant 

Yayne Abeba: I was thinking of the electorate. They are a taker state. California. They, you know, they hate Gavin Newsom, but California, they'll take your money. They are definitely a taker state.

There's no state income tax here and minimum wage is 7 an hour. So, oh, no, no, it went, it's 8 an hour. Now you do with that extra dollar. [00:18:00] I don't know. 

Host Brian Copeland: Go to the piggly wiggly. 

Yayne Abeba: Yeah. Oh, all the piggly wigglies are closing. So, but yeah, but the dollar store is going strong, but the evangelical churches here, like there is a church Everywhere, like, everywhere you turn, there was a church here.

And most people, when they meet you, ask you what church you go to. Um, so most of them have had a youth pastor that has sexually assaulted somebody and they just all look the other way. They do what the head pastor of the church tells them is acceptable and they're all in on Trump. And that's part of the problem is that it's a whole culture in the evangelical scene where they're new pastors.

Their pastors are predators. They're the very thing they, they accuse, uh, drag queens of being. 

Host Brian Copeland: Yeah. Let me, let me ask you this question. When [00:19:00] you talk about the fact that they're all in, all in for Trump, are they proselytizing inside the church building and from the pulpit for, for a particular political candidate?

Some churches are. Okay. Well, if they are, Then, um, you know, they're 501 c three nonprofits. So you're not allowed to do that. And somebody 

Tom Sawyer: has to blow the whistle on them. And, you know, it's, you know, I imagine the community communities out there are so tight. And the other thing about the, you know, churches and places like in the deep South is that it's, these people have been grifted upon since, you You know, forever.

I mean, it's just one grift after the other about taking, you know, part of their 7 an hour and putting it in their own pocket. So Trump's just playing that same playbook that these people, these [00:20:00] churches have been doing since they were brought in as babies. So, so it's a never ending grift in the south.

That's one of the, the other reason why they don't wanna see Californians in, 'cause they don't want to even get close to being a blue state. 

Cathy Sorbo: Mm-Hmm. . They dont want those, they don't want the bluey sniffing around. 

Host Brian Copeland: Well, Marrie Taylor Green wants a law that if you move from California there, that you're not allowed to vote you for California to any red state.

You're not allowed to vote or not allowed to vote for five years for some, some such nonsense. And we can say nonsense now, but if, if he wins. You know, if he wins and if there ends up being a Republican majority, I mean, we're, we're just, I don't know what's going to happen in this country. I really can come 

Yayne Abeba: with me.

I'm going to go buy a castle somewhere in Europe and start farming my own food. We can do the podcast from there. 

Host Brian Copeland: That looks real good and eat, pray, love when you, when you try it on your own. Like when [00:21:00] you're trying, you know, on your own, everybody says they're going to leave the country. You're not leaving that country.

Nobody's leaving the country. Like, you know, we're going to let them chase us out of our own country. No, I think it's funny though, 

Tom Sawyer: that, that people are people on the other side are going, I'm leaving the country. If, if, uh, Kamala wins, it's like, well, what's she going to do? Give you a better tax break. Is that the horrible?

Yeah. Yeah. Oh my God. What am I supposed to do with this money? Oh, yeah, I'll 

Yayne Abeba: drive you to the airport. What time is your flight? You need a ride? I will take you there. 

Host Brian Copeland: Yeah. Um, do you think that, uh, I read a couple of, you know, reading the, the, the, the articles today, the way they're, they're, they're lined up on, I, I have several different publications that I, I subscribed to through Apple news.

So they'll line up, store, have stress story. One story says good news for Trump. He's up here. And then the next story says good news for Kamala. It's here. And the next story says it's tied. It's neck and neck. Do you think it's as close as they're claiming it is? [00:22:00] Because a lot of people are saying that it's not the media is trying to make it into a horse race for ratings purposes.

Uh, there is a blog that I read and I cannot tell you the name of the gentleman, the blog, and I should have this. Where he says that the GOP knows from internal polling that Trump is in trouble and that they have to shore him up. So that's why they're flooding us with partisan polls, polls that they've paid for 60 percent of them are GOP leading.

And, uh, they have dropped those into the mix. Uh, they're all, they're all polls from the battleground states. And so that way, when you do the averages, it makes it look closer than it is. That's the, that's the claim. So I, I really don't, well, first of all, even if a poll is accurate, it's just a snapshot in time in that particular moment.

But since, since 2016, I just don't believe them at all. 

Cathy Sorbo: I don't believe them at all, especially the ones that are generated [00:23:00] by, you know, the Trump camp just, uh, you know, get some kind of headline and, you know, carry the momentum of the lies, you know, as hard as possible. It's really obvious. I don't, I don't pay attention to polls at all.

Yayne Abeba: Well, except that 1. I, um, I have my own poll. It's called the old white man at the grocery store poll 


Yayne Abeba: there is something about me that old white men at the grocery store make a beeline for me. You're like, let me have a conversation with her about politics. I'm like, I'm just trying to buy a pomegranate, but I've had men coming up to me and say, Okay.

You know, they'll strike up a conversation. Everyone talks to you here in the South and they, they're not crazy. Like they are in San Francisco. So, and they remember you. So they always, every time they see you, they're going to talk to you. But I've had a guy come up to me and say, you know, I am a Republican.

I've actually had several people say this to me, you know, like, I'm a [00:24:00] Republican and I would vote for a bag of poop before I vote for Donald Trump again. 


Yayne Abeba: so. I mean, today I, today was the first day of early voting in Tennessee. And my cousin and I went, like, we went, like, took pictures. We had music playing.

We were dancing all our way to the polls and like old white men were like, good morning. I'm like, yay, democracy. They're like, that's right. Girl power. Like people. Wow. In Tennessee are down for, uh, for Harris. Like they're ready. 

Host Brian Copeland: They, but again, you're in a major city. And as I said, in the major cities in the South, everybody's from someplace else.

Yeah. So you, you really can't go by that, you know, go drive 20 miles outside of, of, of, of Nashville into the, into the country and talk to those people. 

Tom Sawyer: Yeah. Well, there's only 10 people though, 

Host Brian Copeland: you know, 

Tom Sawyer: where there's the other places, a hundred and that block, but the, the other thing about it is too, and this is the problem I've had the whole [00:25:00] time is figuring out where this, uh, where these extra people are coming from that are voting for Trump since.

Since the, since January 6th, remember it was his, he was, he wasn't close in the last election. He lost by 8 million votes. Now we add January 6th, we add 34 felonies. Um, we add, um, pay, uh, 2. 5 million. Being, um, adjudicated on his taxes. We've, we've him adjudicated for sexual assault. How do you pick up votes with that?

How do you, how do you, he's not, 

Host Brian Copeland: and that's what, that's one of the biggest problems he has is that he's shoring up the base and he's not doing. Anything at all that to, to expand the base, you know, but, but, but see, here's the scary thing again, if you believe the polls, his, uh, his numbers among black men, especially black men under 25 are [00:26:00] double what they were in 2020.

And, uh, and his numbers among Latinos have climbed. And I just, you know, the way he's treated Latinos and his racist is the man is, I mean, the first time he was in the public eye was, was a federal lawsuit, but he and his father were Cuban blacks from Renton apartments in an apartment. Books they on. So, but, but these young black men, you know, you in, I've seen a couple of interviews, so I believe that, that I, that is a poll, I do believe, because they're talking about how well Democratic Party hasn't done anything for us, or they don't listen to us, or they take us for granted.

Well, what do you thinks? What happened here? You think that this is going to be better? You think that they really think that he's going to be better 

Tom Sawyer: for you? Well, this is why I don't believe it. Do I believe they're stupid? You know, here's the thing about stupidity. It knows no race, creed, color, or religion.

It's, there are stupid people out there and, and, and they can vote just like smart people can. So if you're, if you're going to show me [00:27:00] some interviews with some people, yeah, I go, I don't disagree that they're not real. I believe those same people could justify it. Voting for Trump before, but they're not, but, but they can, but that's, that's my point.

Everything's that's going on since the last time he lost the election. I don't see how he picks up voters. Now they're, but now they're going, Hey, you know what? It's the 34 felonies that drew that drew drew me into him this time. And because he's less coherent, you know, it's what he said is, Oh, I know.

Cause it's racist. And he said, it was good. Do you heard the black people? Yeah. That would be funny, a funny, uh, show to do. So say of these things, which do you believe, um, Trump didn't say and I just have them be just like all crazy racist stuff, 


Tom Sawyer: know, uh, cause He pretty much can get away with anything at this point without the media having to say anything, especially CNN.

[00:28:00] I hate CNN so much and every once in a while I'll go on raw story and see a clip and it reminds me of why I haven't watched them in about five years now. So, because they just don't stop liars from coming on that show. They're, they're paid. Well, they're trying to do both. 

Host Brian Copeland: They're trying to do both sides.

And that's what it is. Yeah. To show, to show that they're not liberal biased, they're bending over backwards to allow propagandists to come out. And speaking of which, let me ask you this, Kamala is doing today, Wednesday, when we're recording this tonight, she's doing a sit down on Fox News with Brett Baer.

Uh, no holds barred. Uh, no question is off limits, no editing because they bitched and whined about the edit on, on, uh, on 60 minutes. Do you think that's a good idea? And I will tell you that personally, I don't, I think it's a bad idea. What, what, what's the point of that? She's not going to get any Fox news viewer to go, Hey.

I mean, if you're watching Fox News, you're indoctrinated already. You're [00:29:00] brainwashed already. I mean, that's like throwing her into the coliseum with the lions. Why in the world would, would you, would you do that? 

Cathy Sorbo: Well, she's, it's not gonna hurt either. You know? It's not gonna hurt her. 

Host Brian Copeland: It could. It could back by, 

Tom Sawyer: oh, it could absolutely backfire.

Same for the same reason why you're saying that? Because people like. Like us we don't watch Fox News anymore. We'll see, we'll see the clip of her kicking ass on a, on a question and the rest is we're never going to watch, we're never going to watch it because it's, well we might watch it if we're so inclined to for, you know, if we have a show or something we, where we need to watch it to comment on it, but I think the average, uh, Democrat isn't going to waste their time watching that.

Yayne Abeba: I think so. I don't know if you guys have noticed that her campaign has done a really good job of trolling him in his space. 

Yes. Yes. 

Yayne Abeba: Yes. So this is another troll in his space. In my opinion, this is going to drive him. Absolutely. He's [00:30:00] already upset about it and she hasn't even it hasn't. Oh, yes. 

Host Brian Copeland: He's upset about it.


Yayne Abeba: furious about it. But also Fox News is in sports bars. It's in airport lounges. It's in medical waiting rooms. So sometimes people who aren't like Fox loyalists. We'll be sitting there watching it and that's exposure, but I think she's doing this for the troll like her social media is a Masterclass in trolling Donald Trump.

It really is. 

Host Brian Copeland:

Yayne Abeba: follow her. It's so good. 

Host Brian Copeland: There's something every day. I follow her Twitter 

Yayne Abeba: Oh my God. But anytime he does anything weird, she's like our statement on whatever the hell that is. And I'm like, yes, girl. Yeah. I'm so here for this . I think the da love it. The dates 

Tom Sawyer: thing, uh, she, um, retweeted it as, uh, I hope he's okay.

Yeah, it's 

Tom Sawyer: so, no, this is her taking a poop in his village, you know? Uh, [00:31:00] so I think, and, and look, he's one of the re, uh, hosts on that. You know, that, uh, network that kind of still thinks he's a journalist, you know, that he has, oh yeah, yeah. So he's, he's not going to want to seem like ridiculously biased.

Like you would if Laura Ingram or, or, or Hannity or Hannity or anybody. And remember, I don't know if you want some, you know, debated 

Host Brian Copeland: the status with Hannity as the, as the 

Tom Sawyer: moderate Santos and what do you think? And Newsom cleaned the floor with DeSantos on his, in his. In his house, you know, 

Host Brian Copeland: on Fox News with Hannity as the host.

I wouldn't say that he cleaned the clock with him in the be because of the fact that Hannity was very biased. Hannity was, you know, but 

Tom Sawyer: we, we, but we all know that even look as stupid as a lot of people are that watch Fox News. They're not, they're, they're, they know when something's biased. They know they they're going get him Hannity, [00:32:00] you know, and he gets them and then they're like, but at the end of the day, they can't make you feel that great.

You know, that you're that your dog bit the other guy's dog, you know, or your dog bit a person, you know, it's not going to make you feel like you want to do that person 

Yayne Abeba: is. I just hope she 

Host Brian Copeland: does not give them a clip. I just hope she doesn't. 

Tom Sawyer: Give them a clip. Don't think she's that. I think she's really a smart person.

I remember you, we keep forgetting she's, she was a DA, you know, she's a 

Yayne Abeba: San Francisco politician. And so as someone who's worked on political campaigns in San Francisco, San Francisco politics, you really have to be on your game. And that's why Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom. Kamala Harris. Willie Willie. Yeah.

Who's still running San Francisco behind the scenes. 


Yayne Abeba: They are not, they are thick skinned, smart people. Mm-Hmm. who can, they can get down in the dirt and hold your head down in the [00:33:00] mud. Okay. But, and do it with a smile in a designer outfit. You'll have no idea they're doing it. And they'll surround themselves 

Cathy Sorbo: with, they'll surround themselves with like.

Minded smart people to, okay, but you look at the 

Host Brian Copeland: clip, you look at the, at the, at the unedited version of that, of that, um, 60 minutes piece, the one that they're all bitching about and calling it edit V8. You know, cause it is a long meandering answer. She gave the question was, I believe, how will the United States under Harris administration deal with, with the Benjamin Netanyahu and she, you know, it sounded like a Trump answer to be quite honest and to be honest and fair and blunt about it, when you hear the whole thing, it sounded like a Trump answer that instead they edited it to where it was just a one line that was coherent and then made sense.

And that quite frankly, is where she should have stopped. You know, so if she does something like that tonight, [00:34:00] um, you know, we'll be seeing that, seeing and hearing that constantly for the next three weeks. 

Tom Sawyer: Yeah. Cause they're not going to edit it, but at the same time, I think she knows where she is as opposed to 60 minutes.

That's true. Yeah, 60 minutes is, you know, it's 60 minutes one, you know, and then they're, you know, it's a, it's an entertainment news program. Still, we keep forgetting that part of it because 60 minutes used to stand for something, um, they're, you know, they're, they're entertainment news program. So that's if it's not, if the meandering answer is not entertaining, so they're just going to clip that down to where it gets to the point and get out of dodge.

Fox News, of course, will take advantage of it. She did 

Yayne Abeba: Charlamagne's show, uh, town hall last night. Did you, yesterday, well, not last night, but like yesterday afternoon, did you get a chance to check that out? 

Host Brian Copeland: No, I, I, I read that, that she did it. I haven't seen any, um I saw some clips. Yeah, I've seen It was really, she did great.

She did fine? Yeah. How did he get [00:35:00] so huge? 

Yayne Abeba: I don't know, , 

Host Brian Copeland: it's one of those, like, 

Yayne Abeba: or, or that show. I, I have feelings about him. I'm gonna keep them to myself. Or that other show. 

Host Brian Copeland: Any you heard of that was an as daddy show before. Before Kamala. Did it, have any of you heard of that show? Um, 

Yayne Abeba: I had heard of it. Uh, 'cause I follow her on TikTok because I thought she was a makeup person and then I was like, oh, she's not a makeup.

Person, so I stopped paying attention to her stuff. Um, but yeah, her podcast started on barstool because barstool was getting attacked for misogyny. So they put her podcast on and then she had someone else who was on it with her. I'm not sure why they're off. I can't remember their name, but that's how her podcast blew up.

So she's got 10 million viewers. Yeah. She's 

Host Brian Copeland: got 10 million. She's she's got more viewers than a lot of, of, of broadcast network shows have. You know? Yeah. I mean, yeah. Think about that for a minute. That here's, here's how the landscape has changed. [00:36:00] Let me, uh, let me change the subject for just a minute. Um, back in 2016, and this number just always blows my mind.

52 percent of white women voted for Donald Trump. And this is after hearing the access Hollywood tape, after hearing the misogyny, after hearing the women come forward and talk about what he did to them, 52 percent of them. And had they gone the other way, he wouldn't have won, but 52 percent of white women.

Voted for him. Do you think that that number is going to change this time around? Do you think that Roe versus Wade, that the, the reversal of Roe versus Wade, the overturning of it, uh, is going to galvanize women, uh, to the point that even those that was sitting on the couch and not voting the last time are, are getting out to vote?

Democrats are counting on that. You think so? 

Cathy Sorbo: I think absolutely 100%. [00:37:00] Yes. 

Host Brian Copeland: Anecdotally, do you know women? Huge. Anecdotally, do you know women who aren't voters, who are going to be voters? 

Cathy Sorbo: No, not anecdotally. 

Tom Sawyer: All the women I know are voters. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, we don't have sideliners here. 

Yayne Abeba: Here, here, a lot of women are upset about that, except for, like, the extremely religious ones, but, and so from what I'm seeing on social media, I had put up a post on tick tock about, like, how I, I basically called white women out about, because it wasn't just 2016.

It was 2020 as well. 

Host Brian Copeland: What was the number in 2020? Do you know? 

Yayne Abeba: I think 2020 was 55%. It was higher. It was more, it was more, which is really surprising. I didn't know that, that I'm, don't quote me on that, but it's around, I know it was higher than 2060. Yeah. I'll, I'll look it up. [00:38:00] But, um, I put up. Post just saying, you know, Hey, I see you because the minute they announced that Kamala was going to be the nominee, I saw white women organizing and white women saying, we can't make the same mistake as we made last time.

And so I put up a post saying, Hey, I see you. And I see that because it was black women who got Joe Biden into the white house last time. And, uh, you know, I basically was like, you know, we're not doing it this time, you know, I mean, we are, we all know that, but, um, I see you organizing and let's kind of like, do you want to form an alliance with me?

Kind of thing. And it's just here and in Kentucky, there are white women who are organizing. They are phone banking. They are volunteering. They are getting yard signs out to people that I see more yard signs here. Like driving through Franklin, which is like where Patriot Front hangs out. I see more Harris Waltz yard signs than I see Trump yard signs.[00:39:00]

Host Brian Copeland: Weirdest one I 

Yayne Abeba: saw. Sorry? 

Host Brian Copeland: Are there bullet holes in them? 

Yayne Abeba: No, I'm surprised. There's one, there's a guy who's a state rep here. He's my state rep. He's garbage. Like his son runs a conversion camp for their church. Oh jeez. He's awful. Um, there was a house that had a Harris Waltz sign and a sign for his campaign.

I was so confused and I have to drive past it. Every time I go to yoga, I'm like, I need to know who these people are. Like, what is this? What is going on here? But, like, I think that the project 2025 part of it is so terrifying. 

Host Brian Copeland: Yeah. It should 

Yayne Abeba: be women who thought that they were voting. They were just voting.

Cause there was the R next to his name. And I think that's what it was. And this time they're like, okay, well, now our rights are taken away. And they're talking about monitoring like our cycles and all these other things. Yeah. National pregnancy registry. 

Host Brian Copeland: So I [00:40:00] think, um, 

Yayne Abeba: I think the. Women who either didn't participate or voted for Trump last time have woken up and the only ones who are going to vote for him this time are like his hardcore base, who he could, like, he says he could shoot someone in 5th Avenue and they would still vote for him.

It's just. And there aren't enough of those people. There's not enough of the base. 

Tom Sawyer: Yeah. Mm-Hmm. So, and well, the polls and the, the polls that they've taken with women in general are just, I mean, he's almost, I think he's got like, uh, she, uh, Kamala's got a 18 point lead, something like that. 

Host Brian Copeland: That's, that's suburban.

Suburban wound. 

Tom Sawyer: Yeah. 

Host Brian Copeland: Yeah. 

Tom Sawyer: And, um, and with men it's like 10. Yeah. That he, that Trump has a lead. 

Host Brian Copeland: Well, she leads with women and he leads with men. And, uh, and it's, it's suburban, very, very 

Tom Sawyer: weak men. I might add. 

Yayne Abeba: Yeah, of course. 

Tom Sawyer: Yeah. 

Yayne Abeba: Well, here it's like women say, well, I have to vote for him because my husband's going to [00:41:00] be mad if I don't.

And I'm like, is he go, I'm like, is he going into the booth with you when you go to vote? Like, do you guys vote together in the same booth? They're like, no. I'm like, then he doesn't know who you vote for. 

Host Brian Copeland: Well, that's been an issue for years. I mean, going back to Nixon, even when, when, when, you know, their wives, she would say that they're voting with their husbands.

And then they go under the pole and into the, into the booth and they vote the way that they want to. But the flip side of that is just that they believe that there are a number of people who say that they're not voting for Trump because they know about the baggage that's going to come with that. And then they step into the, into the voting booth and they vote for Trump.

Tom Sawyer: Yeah. And I believe, I believe that that's Entirely possible, but I also go back to the whole point is how do you pick up the 8 million votes that you lost by by being a felon and adjudicated sexual assault there and a tax cheat and, um, uh, an insurrectionist, you know, business fraud. How do you [00:42:00] pick up votes doing that?

Yeah, your base is okay with it. Who put out a 

Yayne Abeba: plan that's gonna make America the Handmaid Tale? That part too. Don't forget that part. Or a concept of a plan. 

Host Brian Copeland: Concept of a plan. Um, yeah, lots of women are coming forward and telling their stories. Um, and uh, and uh, and uh, There have been some, some, um, Harris Waltz ads where they had told, had women tell their stories about how, you know, they had to get an abortion because of, for whatever reason, uh, usually it's a medical reason, the women that they're using and they would have died without it or now they're sterile because of the fact that they weren't able to get the help.

Because they weren't able to get across state lines in time and their, their regular physician was afraid to give them treatment because he was afraid he or she was afraid to go into jail. Um, Sally Field has, uh, has told a story. I was just, you know, scrolling yesterday. And I [00:43:00] came across this, you know, Sally field that, you know, I'd never seen on social media before who I grew up watching with the flying nun and, and, you know, and everything else, you know, her two Oscar wins.

I mean, actually somebody I've never met her, but I feel like I know her. And she tells this story that, well, I'm, I'm going to, I'm going to go ahead and play it. It's about four minutes. I'm going to play the story. And then I want just your thoughts and your reaction to it. So Charlene, if we can, if we can hit that, if we can make it work.

(Sally Field Audio): So I was raised in the fifties and you know, it's, it's ingrained in me. Uh, um, and I was 17. Uh, I had no choices in my life. I didn't have a lot of family support in any way or finances. I, I graduated from high school, but had no, no one ever said go. How about college? How about, you know, I, nothing. I didn't know what was going to be.

And then I, I, I found out I was pregnant. Luckily, I had a family [00:44:00] doctor who was a friend of the family, and, uh, he drove me and his wife and my mother in their brand new Cadillac, ay yi yi, um, to Tijuana. And I what we parked on a on a really scrunchy looking street scary and he parked about three blocks away and said, see that building down there.

And he gave me an envelope with money and with cash. And I was to walk into that building and give them the cash and then come right back to him. And I guess he thought if I were dying, maybe he could help me. And it was, it was beyond hideous. And, and, uh, you know, life altering, um, I had no anesthetic, um, there was a technician giving me a few puffs of ether, but he would then take it away.

So it just made my arms and legs feel numb and weird, but I felt [00:45:00] everything, uh, how much pain I was in. And then I realized that the technician was actually molesting me. So I had to figure out how can I make my arms move to push him away. And, uh, you know, so it was just. You know this Absolute pit of shame and, and I, um, then when it was finished, they said, go, go, go, go, go, like, like the building was on fire and they didn't want me there.

You know, it was, it was illegal and, um, my doctor, I'm sure his generosity and his bravery. Because he would have lost his license, you know, if anyone had found out, uh, and more probably because I was too naive to know anything. I had never been out of the state. I'd never been on an airplane and fate, you know, something glorious outside of ourselves, whatever you believe, um, Reached [00:46:00] in and a few months after that, I began auditions.

I didn't have an agent. I wasn't, you know, I wasn't really an actor. I'd been doing it in high school constantly and I began auditioning and by the end of that year, I was Gidget. I was the quintessential all American girl next door. And the thing that I wrote about in the book, in reality, I was the quintessential all American girl next door.

Because so many young women, my generation of women, were going through this. And these are the things that women are going through now. Uh, when they're, you know, trying to get to another state. Uh, they don't have the money, they don't have the means, that they don't know where they're going. Um, and It's beyond how you can go back to that and do that to our little girls and our young women, uh, and not have respect and [00:47:00] regard for their health and, um, their own decisions.

About whether they feel they're able to give birth to a child at that time. Um, it's. We can't go back. We can't go back. We have to all stand up and, and fight. And, um, that was that lovely story.

Host Brian Copeland: Wow. When I, when I first saw that, as I said, I'm just scrolling on Facebook, you know, just looking at stuff on the feed and that pops up. And I was just mesmerized and I watched it with my mouth open because again, this is someone we know. This is someone that we, someone that we grew up with. And I think that the flying nun had an abortion, had an illegal abortion.

And Tijuana is, uh, is it's, it's mind boggling. And I wonder how many women, [00:48:00] um, in those days who had to, to have that procedure done in the manner that she had that procedure done, didn't make it. Out of that doctor's office in Tijuana, you know, didn't have a doctor waiting in the car in case something happened to make sure that she didn't die.

It's just how I, I just, it's just beyond me. What are they, what are they thinking? I mean, are they, are they thinking that, that, I mean, does this cross their minds at all? I guess. Well, 

Tom Sawyer: everybody has short term memory loss. We actually are as a species. We're incredibly dumb. I mean, we're we have we have a person like this who has this story to tell.

And there are there are thousands of those stories, if not hundreds of thousands of those stories out there. And yet we have. We have six Supreme Court justices who, who, who went and took the uncorked the bottle and let the, [00:49:00] this horrible nightmare back out upon us and, and don't care. They, they don't care.

And I, and the thing that blows my mind is they all. I watched all their hearings and I watched them all say it's, it's set a law. They're, they're not going to touch it. How do you get to lie to Congress and have no consequences? How do you get to say something that is blatantly untrue and get away with it?

And get away with it where nobody's even talking about, uh, about, uh, for lying to Congress. 

Host Brian Copeland: Okay. Well, here's, here's why. And I, and I've, I've asked a couple of people about this. So why, you know, can't they be impeached for it or at least why can't they be charged with perjury? And it's a real simple answer.

And the answer is, um, I did some research, talked for some people and I changed my mind. And you can't prove that they didn't. When I, when I said that it was, it was the truth. I told the truth to the best of my ability. And after getting more [00:50:00] education on the issue, I have changed my mind. So that's why, and they didn't change crap.

They knew exactly what they were going to do, but that, but that's their defense. That's great. And then we all know how to lie to Congress now. Basically, 

Tom Sawyer: if that's the get out of jail card, that's all we need to do is like, uh, yeah, come 

Yayne Abeba: on, Tom, let's do some stuff that's going to get us in trouble and get us in front of Congress.


Tom Sawyer: I, I could wait to,

Tom Sawyer: actually, I actually have a fantasy about, about doing that and having been under oath. And talking to Matt, Marjorie Taylor green and calling her a bunch of names and explaining to her that I am under oath. And I have to tell the truth. 

Host Brian Copeland: There's a famous story about somebody. It's it's either, it's either Earl Jolson, either Al Jolson or, uh, or Eddie Cantor, one of the two, and they're in.

court for a civil suit. They're sworn in and they sit [00:51:00] down and the lawyer starts with the question, uh, what is your occupation? And he says, I think it's Jolson. And he says, world's greatest entertainer. And then it looks at the judge and goes, I'm under oath.

That's believing in yourself. Uh, but it's just, you know, to hear these stories and to hear that from her. And, and I wonder now, I mean, the fact that the ride's going after Taylor, so how do you go after Taylor Swift for God's sake? I mean, everywhere the woman goes, she's dropping millions of dollars in the community to help the poor.

You know, the people who work for her, you know, they're all, they're all union and she gave them all 100, 000 bonus at the, at the air store. Every single one of them. I mean, she, she, she's, you know, open food banks donated, you know, she, I think she gave [00:52:00] 5 million to, uh, to, to Milton relief, you know, so, but they're dogging her and they're slamming her and they're after it.

I'll bet you they go after Sally field after this story. Yeah. 

Yayne Abeba: Oh, I can't wait to hear after. Yeah, it's the same reason why they're not okay with Harris. It's the same reason why they went after Alex Cooper, the call your daddy host. It's because they are women. And so the right, they, this whole project 2025 thing.

So, 1st of all, like, those Supreme Court justices and JD Vance, they're all part of this Catholic order. Um, I think it's called Opus Dei. 

Host Brian Copeland: Yeah, 

Yayne Abeba: it is. And that's what, like, motivates their doctrine, this Project 2025 thing. And part of it is women are not supposed to be independent of a man and successful. So the problem is, is that these are women who've created their own success, who've worked hard to create their own success and are strong and created their own wealth.

And cannot be manipulated. [00:53:00] And then they're going to motivate all these other women to be like that. So then who are they going to control? Right. And Opus Dei, I mentioned 

Host Brian Copeland: Opus Dei because I'm Catholic and, and, uh, most Catholics either fear or don't like, uh, Opus Dei. Uh, actually I think Opus Dei is in the Da Vinci code.

If I remember correctly, that they were part of it. Where's Tom Hanks when you need them? Books better. Books way better. 

Yayne Abeba: Yeah, I don't, I didn't know that women couldn't have credit cards without a man until like the eighties. 

Host Brian Copeland: Was it 66? That was, that was early. It was earlier than that. Yeah. Seven, six

Yayne Abeba: in bank accounts too.


Host Brian Copeland: Yeah. I talk about that in, in the, I'm, I'm doing a show, I get two more performances up called The Great American Shit Show, and it's, uh, it's monologues, uh, on the life in the age of Trump. I'm met Marin, um, at the Marin Civic with it, uh, in San Rafael tomorrow night. And that's one of the [00:54:00] things I talk about, uh, in terms of the night scene.

Fifties. 'cause when they asked Trumpers when America was the last, great, they will tell you the 1950s. And, um, according to David Halber stamp's book on the fifties, the reason that these folks feel this way is because of their vision of it from watching Leave It to Beaver and Ozzy and Harry and, and father knows best.

And I tell what the real fifties were like and the real fifties were among the things were that a woman couldn't have a checking account. She couldn't have a bank account. She couldn't have a credit card. She couldn't own property unless either her husband or her father signed off on it first. 

Tom Sawyer: And you could openly use racial slurs and no one would, uh, turn a head.

Host Brian Copeland: Oh no. Yeah, 

Tom Sawyer: no, it wouldn't be, wouldn't be a problem at all. Yeah. So that's what they want to, that's what they really want to go back to, and that's what this is all driving about. That's why, uh, it, it, to me, the, the only thing I can think of is, you know, people who have incredibly low self-esteem who need to be led, and the other [00:55:00] people who are just want to be able to be, uh, an open racist again and, uh, you know, want to be, um.

And, and don't want, um, that anybody challenging them, uh, who they believe that are superior to 

Host Brian Copeland: because then, because then you're, you're woke or you are being politically correct. Um, I saw a quote from Lyndon Johnson yesterday that where he said that if you, you take the lowest white man. And Ken's convince him that he is better than the best black man you can pick his pocket.

Not only can you pick his pocket, he will fill your pockets up if you can convince him that way. 

Tom Sawyer: Still true to this day. I mean, look at Louisiana. I mean, Louisiana is stunning to me. I mean, the two, they're, they're, Kennedy is a senator [00:56:00] who's a, who's, you know, this Rhodes scholar and comes out there like, y'all, uh, yeah, we, uh, he's, uh, yeah, we got some questions we need to ask you.

And it's, he's a cartoon character. And this guy, this guy's a Rhode Scholar and I think he graduated Harvard. And, um, you know, just amazing to me that, and, and the worst one is Higgins, clay. Higgins is, is that the guy who Yeah, 

Yayne Abeba: that guy. The former 

Tom Sawyer: sheriff who gets fired. Oh, I pray 

Yayne Abeba: every day that karma 

Tom Sawyer: kicks 

Yayne Abeba: his 

Tom Sawyer: butt.

Oh, he is the worst, one of the worst human beings on the planet. I don't know the story. Did he? What'd he 

Host Brian Copeland: do? Yeah, I 

Tom Sawyer: dunno. The story. 

Yayne Abeba: He, well, the tweet he put out about Haitians. And I, let me see if I can find it for you. 

Tom Sawyer: It's really, it's really racist. It's so 

Yayne Abeba: racist. But he also, it's so racist that other republicans, he also a, who like beat up black people all the time before he became a congressman.

Tom Sawyer: Yeah. 

Cathy Sorbo: Oh, [00:57:00] brother. I love this stuff when it comes out. 

Tom Sawyer: Yeah, it, it, well, he came out because he came, he, he tweeted it out and then he, it, it got taken down. He was, uh, they wanted to, um. They wanted to, what do you say, what, what do you, how do you punish somebody in Congress in the house? Censure. Yeah, they wanted to censure.

They wanted to censure him in Congress. And, uh, everybody on the right, of course, well, he took the Twitter down. You know? It was a 

Host Brian Copeland: joke. Well, for God's sakes, the man took it down. Hey, McCarthy won't say that stuff anymore. McCarthy's gonna stop saying that stuff, so don't censure. Yeah,

Yayne Abeba: he said. LOL, these Haitians are wild, eating pets, voodoo, he spelled voodoo V U D U, nastiest country in the western hemisphere, cults, slapstick gangsters, and then he added, all these thugs better get their mind right [00:58:00] and their ass out of our country before January 20th, which is the day before the inauguration.

Cathy Sorbo: Oh, my God. 

Host Brian Copeland: Wow. And, and you know what? He may very well be right. When you get Trump talking about that, he is going to kick everybody out of the country who was a non citizen and is going to use as commander in chief, um, he's going to use the army, the military against, uh, against citizens. Yeah. And as I said, this is scary shit.

And this is really scary shit. 

Tom Sawyer: The people that were stopping him from doing all of these things, by the way, that he said he wanted to do while he was president, those people that stopped him, they're all 

Host Brian Copeland: gone and they're coming out against the Millie book came out today, uh, the general Millie's book. And I've read some of the excerpts of it when he says that Donald Trump was the most dangerous man in America and that he should belongs nowhere, nowhere [00:59:00] near.

The oval 

Tom Sawyer: office, but I'm sure Scott Jennings will come up with some way to, to, uh, to have his back. They were my, my, if you don't know who he is, he's, uh, one of the right wing commentators or pundits on CNN. The guy is, I don't even know how you work yourself into such a pretzel to defend him on the worst, his worst aspects constantly, and then pretend like you're a regular guy.

And then I, I've heard of people on there going, you know, he's such a nice guy in 

Yayne Abeba: the office, 

Tom Sawyer: you know,

Yayne Abeba: Yeah. Okay. But the words that come out of his mouth on TV though, it's all, well, that's, that's 

Host Brian Copeland: how he makes his money. Yeah, I had, I had one interaction with Rush Limbaugh once, once, once in the day, this is when Limbaugh was broadcasting out of Sacramento and he was like on a handful of stations and KGO was running him on like a best of on weekends, even though he wasn't on, on our station and, um, Prodigy had just come out, remember Prodigy?

It was run by Sears. [01:00:00] It was, it was run by Sears and, uh, it was actually kind of cool, but it, it was like it's a little community and then AOL was kind of the next version of that. And so he was on prodigy. So I sent him a thing. Yeah. The end, they want me to try to do talk. I don't know about doing talk and I'm afraid that what if I'm on and nobody calls and he wrote me back and he said, no, he goes, somebody will call and here's how you can make sure that they do.

So, um, you take a position. That only nuts are going to agree with and they'll call you. And then the normal people will call you to argue about what it is that you said in favor of the nuts. And I've never forgotten that as I've listened to what he said. Now, I think over the years, he said over the time that he said this, I mean, this is the early 90s.

Uh, and again, I've said it, but I wish I still had it. He, he, the, uh, my dot matrix printer. I really, I wish I still had it, but. [01:01:00] So he, uh, um, I, I think he came to believe what it is that he said, I believe that he was sincere. And then one of the things, uh, visions that makes me sickest to my stomach is giving him the medal of honor is a medal of honor, a medal of freedom, whatever it was.

It was a medal of freedom. He got it. And Jim Jordan and Jim Jordan got it. Jim Jordan 

Yayne Abeba: got it. 

Host Brian Copeland: Yeah. Oh yeah. It was, it was at, uh, at the state of the union address, uh, gave one to Jim Jordan and gave what, yeah. Well, what I can't wait for is Clooney is making a documentary about, uh, About that scandal and Jim Jordan, the wrestling one.

Yep. But the rest of the captain, yeah, Clooney's working on it. So I'm looking forward to seeing it with that. We are out of time. Uh, I want to thank you all for being with us and, uh, Kathy, any, anything you want to mention that you want to plug in where you're coming up? You got an album coming out since you're sitting in the studio.


Cathy Sorbo: just doing the [01:02:00] band thing, playing with my band, playing music, making people dance, the usual. 

Host Brian Copeland: You just hit a studio mixing your latest album. 

Cathy Sorbo: Yeah, like Rick Whiteman with a cape. Thank you for having me on. 

Host Brian Copeland: Oh, well, thank you. I hope you'll come back. I hope you'll come back. It's a pleasure having you.

Yeah. You doing any, any standup in, uh, in, in Nashville? I have not done any standup in 

Yayne Abeba: Nashville. I got here right when COVID hit. And I freaked out and didn't leave my house for a month. So, um, I'm actually going to start doing stand up here. I've been doing, um, a lot of comedy, short films with a group here in, um, Nashville and, um, I am working on my book about the hunger strike that we did in San Francisco in 2016.


Host Brian Copeland: we will look for your book and I look forward to hearing that you're doing sets next time, uh, next time I have you on. 

Yayne Abeba: Yeah. That's funny [01:03:00] you say that 'cause I'm actually gonna do an open mic on Monday. Good. My first one in a long time. Good. Good. It's riding the 

Host Brian Copeland: bike. Yeah. Coming back is hard. You know, it's like the first day back after working out.

Coming back is hard. It's, it is hard. Yeah. You know, but you'll, you'll get into the groove. You'll get back into the groove and also wanna mention that she is Excellent, excellent. Um, uh, commentary on, uh, on TikTok, so follow her on TikTok. Oh, 

Yayne Abeba: thank you. It's my therapy. I can't afford therapy. So I just spent on Tik TOK and 

Host Brian Copeland: Instagram.

And Tom will tell folks about the documentary again, because I'm in it. 

Tom Sawyer: The comedy club it's on a Plex to be in prime. It's all about, uh, it's all about Cobbs comedy club in San Francisco and has Dana Carvey and Bob Saget and W Kamau bell. And, uh, God, so many, so many old footage on raw of Robin Williams from the chestnut street days, uh, Lots of really cool stuff.

Host Brian Copeland: Awesome. All right. So, so check that out and I'm [01:04:00] gonna throw my plug in once again. Uh, my show, the Great American Shit Show, and it is Monologues on Life in the age of Trump. And as I say, if you love Trump, you will hate this show. So you have been, you have been forewarned. If you love Trump, I'll love this show.

Then you'll, you'll hate this show. It's, uh, it's at the Showcase Theater at the, at the Marin Civic Auditorium. Uh, in San Rafael's, seven o'clock. Uh, I keep saying tomorrow because it's Wednesday, but seven o'clock on Thursday, seven o'clock on Thursday. So, uh, I got just two more that I'm doing. I've got, uh, I think a total of eight I was able to get in before the election.

And here's to hoping that I never have to do this show ever again. I first did it in 2019, 2020. I did a version of it. The run got cut short because of the pandemic. And then I thought after Biden won, that's it. I never have to do the show again. And you know, here I am. Here I am. 

Tom Sawyer: I'm always constantly going big Mac, do your magic, do your magic.

[01:05:00] I 

Yayne Abeba: feel like the half the world is doing that.

Host Brian Copeland: Alright, Danny, Abba, thank you so much. Thanks. Alright. And, and Tom, Tom, as I said, we, we'll pop up from time to time, actually more than time to time and, and is gonna sit in for me when I'm gone. In fact, you're sitting in for me, uh, for the first time, uh, in a couple of weeks. 

Tom Sawyer: Yeah. So,

Host Brian Copeland: so we have all the best 

Tom Sawyer: guests that we've ever had on this show.

Host Brian Copeland: Yes, we do. . I'm filling in for Brian. Then you fill it in for me. Except for, except for the best host. 

Tom Sawyer: Yeah. Dana Carvey. ISS going to be on. And, uh, . . Sorry, Brian. Thanks. It just ha it was just a fluke. It just worked out that way. Just worked out 

that way. 

Host Brian Copeland: Call him. By the way, Larry, David just happened to want to do that date.

Just call him. He'll do it. Carvey will do it. Yeah. I'm serious. Carvey will do it. Okay. 

Tom Sawyer: We're all friends and you're all friends with him. Yeah. Sure. We're all friends. [01:06:00] We all, nobody in show business. Uh, I'll call Bill Maher while I'm at it. 

Host Brian Copeland: Yeah. That's what they say. Running the show business is one who will stab you in the chest.


Tom Sawyer: See it coming. That's a nice thing. 

Host Brian Copeland: There's no surprise. That is a friend. All right. I will catch you guys soon. Thanks very much. That was so 

Yayne Abeba: fun. Thank you. 

Host Brian Copeland: Bye. Oh, let me mention before we go, I forgot to mention this last time, if you like what it is, uh, that, that, uh, you hear, are you You saw, and you want to support the show.

There are two ways that you could do it. And then not asking you for money. There are two ways you can do it. If you're listening to it, uh, whoever your podcast provider is, be it Spotify or Amazon or Apple, leave us a five star review because that, uh, that helps people to find the show. If you're watching us on YouTube, we're relatively new.

I think this is our 10th show on YouTube. Uh, we're trying to get to a thousand subscribers. Uh, Because once we [01:07:00] do, then we can do it live. And when we do live, then we can incorporate, uh, listeners into the show. It was, it will be a lot of fun. So, uh, if you want to help us out, uh, subscribe, you said didn't cost anything.

They just send you a reminder when, uh, when the shows on. Okay. So, uh, so please subscribe, get your friends to subscribe and uh, I'll check out next week till then be kind to your neighbor. He knows where you live.

Producer Char: Copeland's Corner is brought to you by Carolina Productions and go-to productions. It was created by an executive, produced by your host, Brian Copeland. It is produced, recorded, and edited by Charlene Gotoh. Our booking producer is Tom Sawyer. If you like what you hear, please be sure to subscribe, rate, and comment on our YouTube channel and wherever you listen to your podcast media.

You can [01:08:00] follow us on Instagram, at Kauflin's Corner, to get all the latest news and happenings on the show. Thanks for listening, and we'll see you next time.