Copeland's Corner with Brian Copeland

Really American Media, Jerry Seinfeld On The Left Killing Comedy, & Stuck In The Woods With A Man or A Bear?

Episode Summary

Guests this week: Ngaio Bealum, Laurie Kilmartin & Tom Sawyer

Episode Notes

This week's edition of Copeland's Corner, with featured Headliners Ngaio Bealum, Laurie Kilmartin & Tom Sawyer.

Tune is as Brian and his guests talk about the latest hot talk topics, current events, and life in general. 

This Episode features a lively discussion on the dynamics of comedy in today's politically charged environment, the impact of societal norms on humor, and the interplay between personal experiences with topics like safety, gender, violence against women, and systemic racism. The conversation delves into various subjects including women's rights, politics, historical events, and personal achievements, reflecting a diverse range of viewpoints and experiences.


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Copeland's Corner is Created, Hosted, & Executive Produced by Brian Copeland. 

This Show is Recorded & Mixed by Charlene Goto with Go-To Productions. Visit Go-To Productions for all your  Podcast & Media needs.

Episode Transcription

EP182 - Copeland's Corner with Tom Sawyer, Laurie Kilmartin & Ngaio Bealum

Host Brian Copeland: [00:00:00] Well, again, this is Brian Copeland talking. Welcome to another edition of Copeland's Corner. Welcome to my family room. Uh, special welcome, uh, to the viewers on the new channel that we are on, on YouTube, which is the Really American Media channel. So, uh, if this is your first time catching this show, what it is that we do, we, we are an audio podcast as well as being here on YouTube.

And, uh, every week I'm a, I'm a comic. I talk with three other comics or people in show business about the news of the week. We do a little round table. 45 minutes to an hour and just kind of talk about what's going on. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's heavy, but it's always entertaining. So, uh, with that, let's get on with the show.

It's the part of the podcast and the YouTube show that we call headliners on the headlines. Uh, joining me three distinguished [00:01:00] entertainers, uh, Laurie Kilmartin. Have you done a, well, I don't know how this is set up if it's, if it's set up the same way as well. I see you down in the lower quarter. You're, you're in the, in the, in the Cindy Brady spot.

Is, is, is how I see it. Uh, but, uh, she's got a, uh, a special cost. Sis will grief slut her words. Not mine. Uh, you can catch it on to be or on Amazon prime. And I was saying, I was telling her that I caught it on, uh, on a United flight back from, uh, from new Orleans. So you can catch you there. Uh, uh, and Gael Belem is.

Uh, is I should say is back and he is at the wind river casino in Redding, California. When is that? Uh, May 15th, come on out. May 15th. So coming up next week and Tom Sawyer, uh, who is, uh, the, the former owner of the legendary cops comedy club started a lot of us off in, uh, in, in stand up, he can be seen in the documentary, the comedy club on to be an Amazon prime.

So, and, uh, voice actor extraordinaire. So [00:02:00] welcome back. Good. Never 

Tom Sawyer: having me on again, right?

That's a pretty good. Wow. Nice. Yeah. Archeology. They're going to say a voice actor. So you have to throw it in so you can audition. Yeah. 

Host Brian Copeland: All right. So let's start. Let's just jump into it. Um, this is being recorded on Wednesday drops on Thursday. I should mention some cases slip and say yesterday, cause it was yesterday, the stormy Daniels adult Phil.

How come everybody in porn is a star? I mean, there, there are no like, don't take away 

Tom Sawyer: the 1 thing that they got going for him. And you don't really say poor journeyman, 

Ngaio Bealum: Brian Copeland, porn apprentice, Brian Copeland, of 

Laurie Kilmartin: course, a porn porn ingenue is a legal

Host Brian Copeland: adult film star. That's it. Everybody's a star. Everybody is a star. Brian. Testified in, uh, in the, uh, Donald Trump, um, [00:03:00] with falsified documents, fraud trial in, uh, in New York. And, uh, this is the testimony everybody wanted to hear, although it's debatable whether or not it actually helped the prosecution or it helped the defense.

But just, um, uh, I think you even know what the gist of it is. All of the things that she said, I think by now everybody has heard him. And what I'm finding interesting is that, um, Stormy Daniels said that this thing was, was consensual, that it wasn't sexual assault, that it was consensual. And, uh, I saw a, uh, something that was posted by a, uh, a commentator on, uh, on Twitter was a tweet, Alison Gill.

And she said, quote, I think it's important that we don't miss what Stormy is testifying to. He invited her to dinner. There was no dinner. She wanted to leave. He stood between her and the door. He told her that her career and future depended on having sex with him. [00:04:00] He didn't use a condom. That's not consensual sex.

Thoughts? Well, actually everybody at dinner. 

Ngaio Bealum: I mean, she's got a point, but Stormy also, you have to believe Stormy. Stormy says that it was consensual. Then, you know, I don't, 

Tom Sawyer: uh, 

Ngaio Bealum: well, 

Tom Sawyer: some, some people's standards a little lower than others. I think, you know, as far as what, what, what's passable and what's not, I can't even imagine the world that, um, people in the porn industry live in, but I haven't heard like people going, you know, it's not as bad as everybody says.

You know, there's not, there's not that side of the coin, but actually there is, I've 

Host Brian Copeland: interviewed a couple over the years, um, back in the, back in the Alex Bennett days, when Alex used to have porn actresses on all the time, CSA actress, I don't call them stars, uh, stars, but they are stars. And, uh, and they do say it's just like a regular job.

You know, I mean, there are some who, you know, I 

Ngaio Bealum: feel like there are a lot of, uh, similarities [00:05:00] between standup comedy and, uh, and, and being a performer, sometimes you have to go on with, you really don't want to, you're not in the mood. And yet you got to, you got to get in the mood. 

Host Brian Copeland: Okay. We'll see what the water woman on the panel says.

I would, would you consider it sexual speaking for everyone, everyone, Lori? I got a couple of 

Laurie Kilmartin: these as a woman, um, uh, I would say, I don't know that any porn star who thinks it's a regular job has had a regular job. I'm, you know what I mean? Uh, it's. Seems like it'd be very different from a regular job. I don't know if she says it was a consensual than it was You know her era and which is she's a little younger than me But you know, uh, we were taught that if you I think you need to Like like kick a guy in the nuts to let him say to reinforce your no [00:06:00] So, you know, that's, she didn't have to do that.

And, uh, she probably just shrugged. I don't know. I just, if that's what she says, then, then I go, yeah. 

Host Brian Copeland: You know, it's interesting when you say that you talk, you have to kick a guy in the nuts sometimes. And I think about how, and we're all roughly the same age. I think about all of the stuff that we saw growing up as kids that I guess now you would call part of the rape.

Culture that a, that we didn't think anything about it. I'm talking about like as young kids, you know, movies where guys are saying, Oh, your lips say no, but your eyes say yes. Or Pepe Le Pew, revenge of the nerves. That's right. And that right. Break my deception. They're calling that or Popeye and Bluto where Bluto was always trying to kiss olive oil for why I don't know.

It was only going to kiss olive oil and see what letter. When you think about how indoctrinated we were with all that crap. You know, growing up and, and, uh, the, the sense of entitlement, it must've given some men like Brett Kavanaugh, whose name I'm not mentioning. 

Tom Sawyer: Yeah. Well, James Bond, pretty much like half of the women he seduced, [00:07:00] you know, weren't really seductions.

Yeah. That's a good point. 

Laurie Kilmartin: Matt Weinhold had a really funny bit about Pepé Le Pew being a little, a little rapist. 

Ngaio Bealum: The horny rapist. He just likes the cats. 

Laurie Kilmartin: He 

Ngaio Bealum: called it out 

Laurie Kilmartin: early. That's his fetish. Shout out to Matt, to Matt Weinhold. 

Host Brian Copeland: Oh, God, I'm looking at what stormy had to say yesterday. I can't really figure out what the creepiest thing is.

Um, but I would probably say it's I mean, who is trying to pick up somebody or get somebody in a bed and uses the line. You remind me of my daughter. I mean, who, who, who says that they're going to get I don't have a daughter 

Laurie Kilmartin: sex with his daughter. 

Host Brian Copeland: I mean, that's just, uh, that's just like creep out. It depends on when you say it.

[00:08:00] Jesus. 

Laurie Kilmartin: God. 

Host Brian Copeland: Well, but then there's the other thing too, is that she said that she blacked out during the, you know, she, you know, she stared at the ceiling and she blacked out during the whole thing. And I'm thinking here's a, here's a, here's how bad Donald Trump is. Here's a woman who has sex for a living.

And having sex with Trump made her black out having sex with Trump made her black out. So, and I think she was credible. It was credible. I don't know how much of it you, you, we, you know, we couldn't see. I really wish they would have televised this trial. Uh, more people would know what's going on with it, but they, they, for whatever reason, they're not.

Laurie Kilmartin: I just, uh, if she had, uh, had not taken the hush money and said at that time in 2016, when he was so close to not being elected that he, that, that, that was a true thing that happened and, you know, sort of walking it back. Would he have been elected, you know, like I feel like back then the evangelicals were still kind of on the bubble and she had, [00:09:00] she not walked it back.

Has she not taken that money? Maybe we wouldn't have had him as a I 

Ngaio Bealum: would, I would say he probably still would have been elected for a variety of factors. One, uh, sexism in America is crazy and by women, a blind guy, right? And then a woman run the country. 

Host Brian Copeland: Well, remember she won, he won white women. He won the majority of white women, which I don't understand.

Don't get 

Ngaio Bealum: me started on that. Uh, it really shortened my dating pool. After I heard that number, I can only date 45 percent of white women now. 

Laurie Kilmartin: I'm talking about evangelicals. Like the, the, the, I mean, the white women are going to do that no matter what, but there's a certain group that would have, that would have been one step over the line that the other step wasn't.

I don't think so. I wonder if there's a way to figure that out. I don't, I don't think so. 

Tom Sawyer: Newt Gingrich continued to get elected. Yeah, I think it's funny that the most anti Christ, I don't say anti Christ as in Damon and the omen, I mean anti Christ meaning the [00:10:00] opposite of Christ, the guy could possibly be, and yet, The evangelicals are all over him and that's the thing that always blows my mind.

I mean, this guy literally is the poster boy for every single seven deadly sin. He checks every single box, you know, and they love him. 

Host Brian Copeland: Well, I, I see all these means of like him walking on the beach with Jesus and they're saying that, uh, you know, that everything will be fine is that between the two, 

Tom Sawyer: Jesus is always white.

Host Brian Copeland: Yes. Why didn't your pay? Well, he came from Europe. He didn't know that before he went to Bethlehem. He was in Europe. Yeah. 

Laurie Kilmartin: Trump has inspired some incredibly kitschy art and in a hundred years, we'll look back on some of those means. I mean, I won't, I'll be dead, but, uh, they are kind of extraordinary because, you know, He's portrayed as having abs and being sexual and handsome and having like, uh, lat muscles Like it's so [00:11:00] unlike him.

I I think they're kind of interesting to look at it's what they Wish he was and pretend he is in their heads, 

Host Brian Copeland: you know again, and that's like jesus If, if you really think about it. I mean, Jesus looked nothing like, like, you know, we were taught in Catholic school. Jesus is supposed looked like Jesus is always 

Tom Sawyer: on the cross, is always ripped, 

Ngaio Bealum: always.

If only we could ignore the teachings of Trump as readily as some of us ignore the teachings of Jesus, we'd probably be a better country. 

Host Brian Copeland: Wow, that was so profound. It was. Yeah. That goes on a 

Laurie Kilmartin: T-shirt. That's a merch sales, right? 

Host Brian Copeland: It's a little wordy. Yeah, 

Laurie Kilmartin:

Ngaio Bealum: guess somebody's at the door. Oh, there you are.

Okay. The Titan tighten up the editing. 

Host Brian Copeland: Um, it's, it's really scary when you look at what he says he's going to do in a second term. I mean, it's, it's, it's a long list of things that are, [00:12:00] it's just, you know, it's, it's, it's a dictatorship. It's authoritarianism. It's the end of the United 

Tom Sawyer: States. States, it, it, it 

Host Brian Copeland: really is, and it would be the end of democracy.

And I don't understand why is this close? I, I, I just don't get it. And, and I mean, if you tried to talk to somebody and, and, you know, and hit him up with, with facts, I mean, like, I, I had arguing with somebody today who's trying to tell me that, um, you know, didn't Bill Clinton there us money from Paula Jones, you know, no.

He paid her a legal settlement. After the story was already public and she sued it, you know, it's, it's, it's not the same thing at all, but they, they, they find a way that, you know, you can't, it is a cult because you can't talk sense to them. They are immune to facts. No matter what facts you present, they will give you a false equivalency or what about ism and, uh, and, and they'll, they'll swat it away.

Unless they hear it from him or from Fox news or from Newsmax or, or whatever. That's true. They turn on, they'll turn on Fox 

Tom Sawyer: news if they don't hear exactly what they want to hear. And, [00:13:00] and this started a long time ago. I remember seeing Bill O'Reilly once talking about like, and he was pro like having a national healthcare system.

And the next day he completely walked it back. Said, I never said that even though we saw it, there was video of it. It was recorded, you know, and you could play it back. But he, because, but because he got so much. Hate mail and so much pushback from his audience. He, he completely said, I never said that. And that's how Fox operates.

They are got, they are guided by their audience. So 

Ngaio Bealum: I also think some of it is he's like a proxy. I mean, You know, my ego is big enough to think like, I don't want to be president, but if I could be king for five years, I can fix a lot of this shit. Right. And so they feel like you can't, everybody squabbles, everybody fights, the Democrats, Republicans, they never get any shit done together or whatever.

Right. It's always a drag. And so nothing, people don't always understand that governments just move slow dog. They're fucking [00:14:00] glacial. It's taken us 40 years to get cannabis legalization to where it is right now. You know what I mean? Yeah. Right. Uh, so they feel like, well, maybe we do need somebody who can just come in and cut through all the bullshit and what I say goes and we'll make everything better.

Not realizing that he's going to make everything worse. You know, it's the leopard eating the face eating leopard party. And you know what I mean? You know what I mean? I never thought the leopards would eat my face for the face eating leopard party. And they don't know what would actually happen through 

Laurie Kilmartin: there's a, right.

I mean, you can't, I, even though I don't know, it's hard to imagine that row would go down because all these judges testified that they would leave it and they lied. Right. So, it's hard to imagine something that's been with you your whole life going away. Like, has anyone lost a parent? Like, even though they're elderly and you know what's coming, you're like, [00:15:00] what?

How? I can't. So, uh, I think it's hard for people to imagine what that democracy would go away. They they've just seen it go back and forth like a football and things change a little bit either way, you know, for most people and they just think it, it kind of, it doesn't feel as bad as it's going to be. And, um, it's hard to imagine it.

Tom Sawyer: But the thing is, there's also a factor is, is that the majority of people are crazy. Most of human beings are fucking lunatics. And if you, and if you don't understand that, all you need to do is look at, like, Mormonism and, uh. Scientology, the two latest religions where we can actually trace back to the guy and know that he was a con man and a crook and a thief and all kinds of horrible stuff.

And still people will worship that the religion because they were born into it. Or they, they have a discipline. For whatever reason, and to me, that's, that's like, is a, is a form of [00:16:00] insanity. I mean, human beings at this point, we should have evolved past like religion and organized religion almost entirely.

I, you know, but we're crazy. We, you know, no offense, Brian, because I know you believe in. Uh, I know you're a Catholic. Yeah, I'm a practicing 

Host Brian Copeland: Catholic, but I, I mean, I'm not, I'm not stupid. I, I, I mean, I don't, I don't believe the world was created in six days. I don't believe that. You take the Bible literally.

Well, you, I have issues with what the, what the church, things the church has done. I, I'm a cafeteria Catholic. I follow, right. I take what it is 

Tom Sawyer: that I like and I leave the rest, which is most of the Catholics that I knew when I grew up. That's why it's like when, when we'd go to church, it was mostly a thing where people would go so they could see that everybody and catch up with everybody for the.

For the past week, you know, because there was a bunch of talking before it was a bunch of talking afterwards, you know, and everybody got to catch up and I, you know, and I totally get that. My mom was like that. She was, she, she was like, Oh, this is nonsense. That's nonsense. It was like, you just pick what you like and leave the rest.

It was like a religion buffet. It [00:17:00] was, you know, it's a, but, but I think for the majority of people in this country, they, they, they are a bit crazy. Uh, and I think majority of people in the world, not just this country, that's why we're seeing this conservative movement in the entire world. Well, it's not conservative.

It's authoritarianism. 

Host Brian Copeland: There's, there's a real difference between to call these people conservatives. And that's what bothers me. 

Tom Sawyer: Yeah, but conservatism has almost disappeared because it's been replaced by authoritarianism. So to me, that that's the prop. That's the thing that a lot of people like Liz Cheney won't look at.

How did the Republican Party get to authoritarianism? Because authoritarianism is, is, and was, has always been playing footsie with the Republican Party. It was 

Ngaio Bealum: always 

Tom Sawyer: there. 

Ngaio Bealum: Brian Copeland's old bit may have flirted with fascism in college. I'm pretty sure he had fascism drunk on the bed in his dorm.[00:18:00]

Host Brian Copeland: Actually, well, I want to talk about that for a second. I want to, I want to switch gears. Um, you know, Jerry Seinfeld's got this new movie on Netflix that he wrote and directed about Pop Tarts. And, uh, he, but he's getting a lot of press because he is saying that it is the far left that has, the far left has destroyed comedy because of, because of political correctness that the far left has, has destroyed comedy and the right wing loves it.

The right wing's applauding him like crazy. And I'm thinking, you know, how was, is the, how has comedy been destroyed? Yes, there are things that you can't say. You know, I think about things like when when the three of us were coming out. You know, um, that some of the jokes that we did or jokes that other people did, we all have stuff that, that we could do then that we can't do now, but nobody's not destroyed.

So, here, so here, here, here's the challenge. Give me 1 joke that either you did, or somebody else [00:19:00] did that. That was funny then, but there's no way in hell. You could do it today. And I'll start while you're thinking. I'll start and it's not my 

Laurie Kilmartin: doing that for real.

Tom Sawyer: Oh, I see your big box. So here you've already 

Laurie Kilmartin: got

Tom Sawyer: something to go viral. 

Host Brian Copeland: Don't want the one that I figure out. And again, I understand why 

Ngaio Bealum: whose junk I've seen covered in peanut butter.

Laurie Kilmartin: That you could do today, you could do that joke today at the funny bone. All right. So yeah, you should bring 

Ngaio Bealum: that joke back. I will give you, I will Venmo you 10 bucks if you tell that joke tonight, if I get a copy, you tell that 

Laurie Kilmartin: joke tonight. 

Host Brian Copeland: Well, what about the one that Mike Ferrucci used to do? Um, Mike Ferrucci was a very, very funny comic and writer.

Um, he writes, [00:20:00] uh, all of the comedy Central Roast he writes for. Um, and that was the joke about who's got the hardest job in the world. The sketch artist from the Hong Kong police department. Jesus Christ. Now that's, yes, because it's racist and everything else. And it's offensive. And you can't say that today.

Oh, he just disappeared. Oh, there she is. I know, I know, see, laughing at it. Marty! 

Ngaio Bealum: Yeah. 

Laurie Kilmartin: Well, I don't do stand up, but 

Ngaio Bealum: Slayton still gets work. That's all I'm saying. Yeah. Yeah. 

Host Brian Copeland: So, so, you know, the issue with Seinfeld was that he was playing colleges, a lot of college gigs and he was getting his and booed for stuff that he was doing.

Sure. But it's like, I mean, he was always the most benign. The comic around, I mean, he and like Paul Reiser, that was a joke. The joke that he was from Paul Reiser and Jerry Seinfeld. Who are these people and who are these people? Yeah, 

Laurie Kilmartin: that's funny.[00:21:00]

Tom Sawyer: So, you know, I just I don't, you know, I don't. First of all, Jerry Seinfeld doesn't get booed by his audience. If he does a concert somewhere, he's not getting booed by his audience. True. Uh, if he goes to a college where it's not his audience, it's the school buys a bunch of tickets, they give it to the students.

The students go, oh, I hear he is famous. He had that show. And they go and they go, Ooh, you know, they're not fans. So it's the same thing with, with the chat rooms in whatever podcast or whatever thing you're doing where there's a bunch of people saying horrible things about you because that's where chat, that's where chat rooms do.

That's what they do. And it's, and that's why don't look, if you're doing something like this, don't look in the chat room. It just. It's a place of horror. So, um, for you. Yeah. So I think that for them, for the most part, um, it's, it's kind of cry baby ish. Jerry Seinfeld being a cry baby, baby, along with a lot of over 50 comedians who can't say the stupid [00:22:00] joke, insensitive joke that they could sell.


Host Brian Copeland: homophobic joke that they used to 

Tom Sawyer: tell or whatever. Denny Johnson can't do South sergeant Savage anymore. Oh my God. The world is J. We are so 

Ngaio Bealum: inside baseball right now. We have five year old J. D. Johnson, Mike Ferrucci, it's fucking comedy day at the park, 1996. That's 

Tom Sawyer: where these jokes go to die with, you know, along with these comics who don't change.

To me, it's like, that's just the bar being moved. It's, it's, it's always been like that. I mean, you can't do the same act from 1965. Today, today, there's no way you listen to comedy albums back then. It's not like they were offensive. It's just, we've done, we've been there. We've done that. We've moved on, you know, it's the same thing with offensive humor.

It's not offensive anymore. It's just annoying. You know, you're not thinking you're, you're not challenging yourself. You're still. Stuck. So we have to all be punished for you. You being stuck and hear you [00:23:00] moan and whine about everybody's being so sensitive when, and you just won't grow up and you won't, uh, expand your horizons, you know, get off of it.

It's boring. I'm curious, back in the day, did you ever book sign? Tell the Cobbs I booked them in the, I booked them in the eighties or the seventies. When? Well, eighties. Eighties when he was still playing, uh, clubs every once in a while at the Chestnut Street he played. Yeah, he played, uh, Chestnut Street like three times.

Wow. Yeah. If you go to my website, Tom Sawyer dot Tom Sawyer voices and go to the COBS page there, there's a photo of him on the stage there. So yeah, I'm sure that 

Laurie Kilmartin: people that successful, they start playing to just their audience. And so they stop changing. Like if you aren't like, if you're at my level, I still do spots everywhere.

I'll do any little weird gig. You know, when I'm home and I'm up in front of people that are, uh, you know, in a parking lot watching comedy or they're at a [00:24:00] record store. So they're younger. They, um, and so you kind of learn, Oh, this joke isn't, isn't going to work here. Either I change it or I, you know, you know what I mean?

Like you, you need to get in front of different audiences. And if you're a billionaire comic and you're charging 200 a ticket, you're going to get, your audience is going to be just like you, maybe a little less wealthy, but you know, you're not, you're not performing in front of people that got in free or have 4 tickets or something, you know, and so you, you, when you are pushed in front of them, they're not going to like you because you've had 10 years of just.

Performing to your bubble, you know, so it's harder to tell because you have a bubble 

Ngaio Bealum: too, right? So when you go up in front of your bubble Almost everything you say is hilarious. You're a fucking comedy genius. And then there's the other thing too. And that is sometimes like going to trouble run for six months or for, for two weeks and come back inside baseball.[00:25:00]

Host Brian Copeland: There's a certain amount of a certain amount of gravitas that you get when you're famous. Uh, any of you guys seen the new season of hacks? Yeah. Uh, yeah. So, so Debra Vance is now, you know, hip again. So she, anything she says is funny. You know, they're laughing at the setups and no, you know, no matter what she says is funny.

And that's a certain amount of gravitas that you get, you know, we all saw Robin good standing ovations when he would just step on stage and just coming in, he would get a standing of it. When I used to do stuff with a name, again, talking about stuff you can't say when I used to open for Cosby, it was the same thing because Cosby would walk out on the stage.

It will be a steady, not now, but, uh, back in the day, uh, God, I was thinking about it for 10 years. It's been 10 years since that the last time I worked with him and, and, uh, we would do, I would do two or three theaters a year with him here in the Bay area, two or three, 1500 seat theater, two shows at each one.

And pack them, they'd all be sold out. [00:26:00] And, and it was, it was kids from 12 years, you know, eight, nine, 10, 12 years old, up to people in their seventies and in their eighties, and they would all give him a standing ovation just for walking out. And so how do you know if you're funny still, if you're getting a standing ovation, just walking out, 

Tom Sawyer: you 

Host Brian Copeland: know, so below you got the right idea, you know, playing in front of anybody, you know, and do you, do you die very often at, at, at, when, at some of these odd gigs, 

Laurie Kilmartin: I don't think I, no, not really.

No, it's more like tweaking a little, like, can I get away with this or not? And, uh, you know, the laugh is either large or not at all. And, but it's, it is definitely getting in front of people that aren't your normal audience. You know, that's super important, but that doesn't pay.

Ngaio Bealum: Welcome to Comedy Chat, I'm your host. Comedy is so niche right now. It used to be a thing where cats would want to play all the conditions. You could play a bowling alley, you could play a [00:27:00] nightclub, you could play You could play an amphitheater, you could play a comedy club, you could play the gas station and a lot of cats.

Now they have their own crowd, they have their own audience, and so they don't, they don't experience the whole panorama of potential comedy audiences and they don't necessarily have the skills designed for that. Right. The other thing I would say to last time somebody did a power seven. Yeah, the other thing you still have a power three, Brian, you got a power five in your back pocket.

Ready? Five. 

Host Brian Copeland: I'm sorry. Tell me you're going to say something. Yeah. 

Tom Sawyer: Is that we have more comics playing arenas now than we've ever had ever. You know, Cobb, if you look at the, the, the calendar at Cobb's, half of it is, you know, guys that have like a podcast or a, or a YouTube channel, and it's not, it's, you know, because everybody's doing theaters.

You've got this, this group of people that used to play Cobb's, you know, that are now. In theaters, [00:28:00] so everybody's moving up the ladder. Comedy is booming. So I don't understand what this, this complaint. Oh, the audience is the, the, the left. It's destroyed. Comedy comedy is bigger than ever. And, and I'm, I'm, I saw bill burr at the, at the, uh, Oakland civic center, uh, doing a bit.

About abortion and nobody booed or anything like that. Cause it's his crowd and this is the Bay Area and this is, you know, and still bird. He's 

Ngaio Bealum: also funny. Like so many people mistake being racist or being sexist or saying words that you weren't supposed to say as being funny. Right. And that's just being a dick.

Yeah. You know what I mean? Right? Yeah. You're supposed to find the humor in that situation or the humor. Mm-hmm. of the sexism or the humor of the racism or the humor inherent in the thing. You can't just go up and be an asshole. You have to be a funny asshole. 

Host Brian Copeland: Alright, so you think it's bottom line here.

It's, it's laziness. [00:29:00] It's living in a bubble and it's an attack on, on the left is what, and being a whiny little bitch. 

Ngaio Bealum: Being a whiny little bitch. I think that's the number one call. 

Laurie Kilmartin: I, I also think in that interview, like that quote was pulled pretty big. He was also talking about getting network notes. I don't think that particular thing applied to stand up.

He was talking about his movie and that was the thing I was like, it sounds like everyone gets notes on scripts and it sounds like he just didn't like. The kinds of notes. I mean, it may have been bad notes, but for, I think if he had just not used like either whatever he said left or woke, it's like bad notes or they're all over the place.

Host Brian Copeland: Oh, yeah, he started probably 10 years ago when he, uh, I think it was on Conan. And as a matter of fact that, uh, that he said that he wouldn't play, uh, clubs anymore, uh, colleges because of how an example he gave was that he got hissed [00:30:00] because he was doing this bit about how people scroll through their phones and how they scroll through the phone to decide who's, who's the most important.

And he takes his finger and he's doing this, like he's scrolling and he goes like, you're a gay French King and they booted. And they hissed him, 

Laurie Kilmartin: but again, that joke can get a laugh when you're a 55 year old or however old guy he was, then it probably does, does sound sort of out of date. You know, but like, uh, Dylan Adler could do that and, and act it out.

It would be really funny, you know, 

Tom Sawyer: um, Ron, I could do it. Yeah. That's the joke you give to the sell it to Joel Kim booster. Yeah. I had a joke and I had a joke. I had a joke in, uh, that I used to do in my, in my act for the short period of time that I had one. And Slaton, when I quit comedy stand, uh, doing standup Slaton, uh, Bobby [00:31:00] Slaton asked me, can I have that joke?

You're not doing it anymore, right? Soya, can I do it? Can I have that joke? And, uh, and he did it on the Tonight Show with, uh, Johnny Carson. So that was cool. But, you know, it was, it was a somewhat racist joke. So, of course, Bobby wanted it.

So I can put a little more racism on that joke. No problem. 

Ngaio Bealum: Chicago. Shifting, shifting 

Host Brian Copeland: gears, Lori, I'm gonna put you, uh, put you in the woman position again. And I'm only doing this because it's, this is, it's a, it's a, a question that's gone viral on TikTok and it's aimed at women and, and what women's answers are.

Oh, alright. And here's the question. It's a, which would you rather question given a choice? Would you rather be alone in the woods? With a man or a bear? 

Laurie Kilmartin: Uh, like most women, a bear. Yeah. 

Host Brian Copeland: Wow. And that's the, that's the thing. It's been, it's a tick tock, uh, where a guy, uh, did a man on the [00:32:00] street thing. Oh, actually a woman on the street thing where he talked to like seven or eight women asked that question.

And seven out of eight of them said a bear. And when they gave their reasons why, uh, one said, you know, what to expect from a bear. Another one said, because if I got attacked by a bear, people would believe me. Yeah. Yeah. Bear's 

Ngaio Bealum: not going to tell you to smile. 

Host Brian Copeland: And, and, and the thing is, is it's turned into this battle of the sexes online.

Apparently this viral battle of the sexes were gut men. Are there a lot of guys who are just really pissed saying, and it's a man hating thing. And the fact that most women are saying that shows that they hate man and blah, blah, blah. Women are going, no, this is about violence against what I've called all the women.

Him and I've raped the next day is that you 

Tom Sawyer: guys Jesus. Jesus, Jesus. I saw that. When it's blatant , 

Ngaio Bealum:

Tom Sawyer: gonna say that give it to him. It's, it's like, [00:33:00] it's, it's, but that's the point be men are so idiotic they don't understand, they don't look at the statistics to see how many women have been, uh, have been sexually abused.

They don't understand how women, it's like, you know. Being on the show talking to you guys as there was one show I did with the guy. Oh, and I think it was Johnny Ray and you or we're talking about Johnny Ray. That's the thing. We're talking about Johnny Ray and the experience you had. Uh, somebody had in a club in Sacramento and I hear all these experiences that I have no idea ever existed for black men.

And when somebody talks about, uh, a white man, and I'm at a Some party and they start talking about how the, uh, black men over exaggerate stuff about their experiences. I'm going, dude, I haven't not yet a black met a black man yet who hasn't, who has a Rolodex of experiences. They don't just have one or two.

They have, oh, and this one happened here and this one happened here. Or what, what, what [00:34:00] part of the country do you want me to tell you what happened there? It's the same thing for women. You know, that, so, uh, this, that's the thing that boggles my mind. If women are saying this, it's not, they're not attacking you.

It's a wake up fucking call, dude. It's a wake up call to how you should behave around them. You want to, you want to change their mind? Then change your mind by being your best self all the time. Yeah. But it's not even changing by being your best self. It's changing 

Ngaio Bealum: their mind by helping to make all men better.

This is a collective responsibilities too. Right. As a former, not all men are because I'm not like that. So somebody was saying, I'll do like this. It'd be like, I'm not like that. Not all the dudes are like that, but a preponderance enough dudes like that. Like enough white people are like that, where it's a problem, right?

Where you can't just be like, 

Laurie Kilmartin: yeah. 

Ngaio Bealum: No, go ahead, Lori. 

Laurie Kilmartin: Oh, no. Every woman knows that Ted Bundy was incredibly charming and likable, and that's how we talked women into helping [00:35:00] him with the cast on his arm. So you, someone approaching you all friendly and likable is as suspicious. As if they look taciturn and evil, you know, it's just like, I'm in the middle of nowhere.

And if I scream, no one will come. And, uh, that's that. So of course we'd rather deal with bears. That's why they tell you to yell 

Ngaio Bealum: fire and not help about a fire. 

Host Brian Copeland: That's exactly what they tell you. You know, it's interesting. I was talking to my daughter who said to say hello to you. By the way, Lori, she's got your, uh, your book, uh, in her bathroom.

And that's what she reads it. Shitty mom. Oh, cool. It is a total bathroom 

Laurie Kilmartin: book. So she's got an 18 month 

Host Brian Copeland: old now. She's got an 18 month old. 

Laurie Kilmartin: That's right. So 

Host Brian Copeland: that's like three books now, right? Lori, 

Laurie Kilmartin: Yeah. One of them, I was ghostwriting for somebody for Sherry Shepard and then the other two. Yeah. Shitty mom and dead people suck.

Host Brian Copeland: Well done. [00:36:00] Yeah. All right. Speaking of ghostwriting, um, Christine Ohm is just continuing to just step in it. I mean, I was sitting with Kim Jong un and he was telling me, and then you find out she'd ever met him. And so now, so she had doubled down on everything. A Republican's a liar. Go go figure. Yeah. So, but now what she's saying is that they're trying to blame it on the ghostwriter and it's like the ghostwriter up that stuff.

And I don't know how that got in there, but it's like, excuse me, you recorded the audio book. Yeah. Okay. You read the audio book. So if this wasn't true, why didn't you take it out? If you, you know, if, if, how is it that go first, it was, it was your mind. It was your editor as well. Reading the ghostwriter 

Laurie Kilmartin: has tape recordings.

Okay. The voice, the ghostwriter has recordings of everything she said. So. I don't know. You know [00:37:00] what she's doing, 

Ngaio Bealum: but that where isn't doing, this'll be funny. I 

Laurie Kilmartin: saw, yeah, but I saw a picture of her from like, I don't know, five, 10 years ago where I think she was, was she an anchor or something like that?

She, yeah. Oh no, that's normal. That was Lake, 

Tom Sawyer: that was what's her lake? That was Kelly Lake. That was Carrie Lake. 

Laurie Kilmartin: Okay. Yeah. So she was sort of, she had just short kind of, you know, regular flat hair and. Thin white lips, right? So it's like, alright, that's a normal looking person. And now, she has like, like porn extensions.

The Gilfoyle extensions. The Gilfoyle, the Kimberly Gilfoyle, uh, Mar Mar A Lago lip fillers. If you look at the before and after it's so striking and that's how she climbed up the Republican political base, uh, you know, the ladder and she became governor because, kind of because she made herself look like that, which is so bizarre to me.

Ngaio Bealum: Trumpford wives.

Host Brian Copeland: [00:38:00] Well, she's the governor of South Dakota where there's like nine people or something that I've that's one of the few states. I've never been to people. If any of you guys ever been or play, I know is there, right? No, there 

Ngaio Bealum: was a juggling convention out by Mount Rushmore, uh, one year. No, let's say Kim Jong in was there.

He's a pretty good juggler. You don't know that about him. It's underrated. He's the best juggler ever. 

Host Brian Copeland: She's doubling down on it being the dog's fault that she shot the dog. The puppy's fault. She's turned the puppy into Cujo. The 

Ngaio Bealum: dog was asking for it. Look at how it was dressed.

Laurie Kilmartin: The dog would rather meet a bear than Christina.

Ngaio Bealum: Would you rather spend time with a man or a bear? Well, a bear will probably have snacks. 

Laurie Kilmartin: For

Host Brian Copeland: people to get snacks. Oh, my goodness. [00:39:00] Um, Arizona, um, just got rid of. Not, I mean, they got rid of it, but I'm, I'm going to say barely, it's not, 

Ngaio Bealum: it's not going to take effect for another 

Host Brian Copeland: 1864 back when the, when the abortion law was written, it was, uh, basically, you know, slavery was, was still legal in this country at the time, but abortion wasn't abortion in Arizona.

It wasn't at the time slavery was, but abortion wasn't. Um, as I mentioned earlier, Trump won. The majority of white women back in 2016, most white women voted for Trump, which again, I just don't understand. I 

Laurie Kilmartin: regret my vote. And I have a lot of people. I'm sorry. That's 

Host Brian Copeland: big. How do you think abortion is going to that, that, that abortion and the overturning a row is going to play in this election?

Do you, I mean, do you, Do you see women mobilizing and, and who might not be voting otherwise, who are definitely going to make sure they vote. This is the guy [00:40:00] that took away choice. There, there's no two ways about it. Literally this is the guy who literally took away choice and set women back 50 years in this country.

But that's the secret sauce to me. I 

Laurie Kilmartin: think it's actually going to get a lot of Republicans to vote for him. A lot of your George Conway Republicans that have a daughter or whatever the fuck, and they, uh, they want abortion to be legal, but rare, all that bullshit. It'll get them. I don't know if it's going to get enough people to offset all the people that aren't going to vote for him or anyone at all because of Gaza, you know, 

Host Brian Copeland: Now you say you're playing, you're playing a bunch of different grounds.

So you're playing in front of a lot of young people too. And that's the thing that I'm hearing. Uh, I met my daughter, I mentioned earlier is a managing editor for, uh, Prism, which is a news organization that has an impressive line. Yes, they are. But let [00:41:00] me finish, finish, finish my plug for my kid. And what prison does is it covers news.

From the perspective of underrepresented groups, women, people of color, the incarcerated and so forth. And she says that kids, uh, you know, college kids and, and, and young people who are having, this'll be their first election, they're not voting for Biden. Because of Gaza, a lot of them are going to say they're going to vote for Trump, which I don't understand.

And then there are others who are going to vote for Kennedy, which I don't understand more, not vote at all 

Laurie Kilmartin: or right. And do a right. And I could see a lot of them not voting for anybody doing a right in or something, definitely not Biden, you know, It's, it's only, this is the irony, of course, ri in, in the border states.

Yeah. I mean the, the bubble states, you know? Mm-Hmm. , 

Tom Sawyer: it's always been a big problem with people on the left, is they don't see the big picture. And the problem is, of course, all these things that you talk, uh, that they're against [00:42:00] are, are you really think that? Uh, that Trump's going to take care of Gaza, you know, they're going to take care of Palestinians.

Are you fucking nuts? Are you out of your mind? Not only that, but those, the, you know, there'll be a national abortion ban. Contraception is going next. There'll be a ban on all contraception. He 

Ngaio Bealum: doesn't have sex like we used to though. So yeah, I 

Laurie Kilmartin: don't care. 

Ngaio Bealum: My dad told me. Spit don't make babies.

Laurie Kilmartin: Very romantic. He 

Ngaio Bealum: should know what he's talking about. 

Host Brian Copeland: Right up there with you remind me of my daughter.

Laurence O'Donnell last night said that the thing that was ironic about, about Stormy Daniels story was that Trump didn't use a condom and, and, and she was 27 years old. He's a 27 year old woman from Louisiana and he didn't use a condom. So. [00:43:00] Other 27 year old women who find themselves in the situation that she found herself in, who inadvertently got pregnant because of it, because of him, they have to carry the baby to term.

And just how ironic that is. And what do you think he would have wanted her to do if she had gotten pregnant by him in that encounter? Well, he lied about it. First of all. 

Tom Sawyer: Yeah. 

Host Brian Copeland: And I have 

Tom Sawyer: a very nice doctor. I'd like you to meet. 

Host Brian Copeland: Well, that's the thing too, is the rich will always be able to, you know, 

Tom Sawyer: the rich will.

The other thing that I don't get about the rich, anybody who's rich supporting Trump is if you look at, uh, Putin, uh, Putin was a KGB agent. Now he's like the richest man, one of the richest men in the world. And, uh, he basically got all that money from a lot of, uh, from the government. Fourth story, slip and falls, uh, a lot of accidents that happened that the government, government of, uh, just confiscated that money.

A lot of people like, you know, and that's what Trump's learning [00:44:00] from. He's going to, there's going to be a lot of accidents for, uh, that are billionaires are going to be having when Trump takes over next time. 

Host Brian Copeland: Well, there are a lot of really rich people, a number of billionaires who were not going to support Trump and had come out publicly and said they wouldn't support Trump after January 6th, who now, because Biden says he's going to tax the rich, have reversed themselves and they're going to buy into this.

Trump's going to tax 

Tom Sawyer: the rich, he's going to take all of it for himself, not for the country. He's just going to take all of it for himself. 

Host Brian Copeland: Well, but I don't get it. All the blue collar people who are sending him money to people who can't afford to send him money or sending him, you know, 25, but they send 

Tom Sawyer: but they send it to their pastor or their, their mega church preacher, their use.

They're so used to doling out money to con artists that it's like a reflex. They, they can't help themselves. So it's, it's nothing new. You know, if you're in the deep South, you're giving, you're giving money to some guy behind a podium with a Bible in his hand. Yeah. 

Host Brian Copeland: Quiet money too. When a [00:45:00] collection plate comes by, they want quiet money.

They don't want to hear it. Yeah, 

Ngaio Bealum: it's cash, baby. 

Host Brian Copeland: They don't, they don't want to hear it. 

Ngaio Bealum: Wrap those coins in dollar bills. 

Host Brian Copeland: It's just, it's just a real scary time. It's just a real scary time. And I'll, I'll be honest and tell you, I'm scared. Cause I don't know what the hell is going to happen. You know, I'm reading the polls and reading everything I can, I can, I can.

Read all the information I could possibly get and it's just, it's too damn close. We're 6 months away and anything could happen, but I think it's baked in, I think pretty much for the most part it's baked in and it's going to come down to a handful 

Tom Sawyer: for a lot of people to vote for a guy who is going to, he's going to get convicted on the, the, this New York thing.

Host Brian Copeland: I think so, too. 

Tom Sawyer: Yeah. How can he not? 

Host Brian Copeland: Yeah, unless there's some, you know, some maga juror who's going to hang it, you know, no matter what. 

Tom Sawyer: Um, yeah, I mean, it's always a possibility, but, um, you know, the odds go down drastically where, where it's located. So, um, I can only hope for the [00:46:00] vote, the best in that, but I'm thinking when he gets convicted, uh, I just think a number of polls have showed that, um, The numbers dropped drastically.

And also, wasn't there just a primary vote somewhere where Nikki Haley got 20 percent of the vote? Yeah. Was it 

Laurie Kilmartin: Iowa? Indiana. Indiana. 

Ngaio Bealum: Indiana. 22%, 21. 9%. Yeah, that's amazing. And she didn't even really run. She's already, no, but she dropped out. She'd already dropped out. Well, she's been out for a 

Tom Sawyer: while now. Not just for a little bit, you know, she's been out for a while.

Ngaio Bealum: Okay. So I feel like, I feel like Nikki Haley would be, uh, a bigger threat to Biden at this point, but also Oh, no question. 

Tom Sawyer: Yeah, no question. Yeah. But the other thing too to remember is, um, uh, the big, the, that we were supposed to have a big, um, red wave in the last, um, house election. Right. And everybody was predicting it.

All the way up to the election night and we didn't [00:47:00] and I don't and I think for whatever reason polling is a dying art. Most people aren't. Yes, totally. You know, so I think the polling is secured from people that are really old and that are still have a home and their house landline a landline. Right?

Everybody else has a cell phone. They're outside numbers are blocked or you have to leave a message or like mine. I don't any number that I don't have in my contacts automatically goes to voicemail. Yep. Me too. 

Ngaio Bealum: Right. Cause I probably owe the 

Tom Sawyer: money. 

Ngaio Bealum: But 

Host Brian Copeland:

Ngaio Bealum: definitely 

Laurie Kilmartin: don't take my calls. 

Ngaio Bealum: Text me, find me on Instagram is the fastest way.

If you DM me on Instagram, I'll get right back to you. I'm doing send me, send 

Host Brian Copeland: me an email or send me a text. That's it. But I'm with you if I don't recognize it, but I just, I mean, we can hope. I mean, this, this whole electoral college thing is just a bunch of horseshit. I mean, you've got a handful of States that are going to decide who leads this [00:48:00] country regardless of what the majority.

Tom Sawyer: I'm more worried about I'm more worried about the Supreme Court because they're a bunch of that's the other thing I don't get you were talking about this earlier that they are or Lori might have been talking about this with the Supreme Court said in testimony where they had to swear that they're telling the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth that they wouldn't overturn Roe because it was set law and yet they did it and why aren't they Um, facing charges for contempt of Congress or for 

Host Brian Copeland: perjury, because if you're 

Tom Sawyer: literally perjured themselves and and everybody goes, Oh, well, there's nothing we can do about it.

They perjured themselves. That there's no way to there's no other way around it. 

Host Brian Copeland: Now, they are imperial. They are the imperial branch of of government. They can do whatever it is that they want. I mean, it's obvious. I mean, Clarence Thomas can sit in on and have a voice on issues that that involve his wife.[00:49:00]

You know, he shouldn't be sitting in on anything that has, has anything to do with Trump that has anything to do with January 6th or the 2020 elections 

Tom Sawyer: or giving him Winnebago. Yeah. 

Host Brian Copeland: You can't, there's nothing that can be done unless Congress decides to impeach him and they can't, and they can impeach him.

Sure. But they won't remove him. Nobody will get convicted in, in, uh, in the Senate because you got to have two thirds majority to be convicted in the Senate. Why it's never happened. 

Tom Sawyer: And the Republican party now is gone. They don't really exist anymore. They're basically the party of Trump and they, and, and they, there's really everybody who has a backbone of anybody who is true conservative or what they thought conservative was or used to be.

They're leaving. They're all leaving in droves and going where, though? That's the question. Yeah, going and going away. I mean, Romney, uh, all these guys in the people. This is an amazing time. We're living in. We've had house members during their term actually quit. Yeah, their parties [00:50:00] are crazy. I mean, I can't even imagine having to deal with just from the other side of the aisle, having to deal with Marjorie Taylor.

Green. And Gozart and all those other crazy people. Matt Gaetz. Yeah. Mike Johnson for crying out loud. Yeah. He's the same one. Yeah. That's scary. Yeah, 

Ngaio Bealum: Johnson's the voice of reason you got,

Host Brian Copeland: yeah, oh, I'm wondering, I'm trying to think was there ever a time the Democratic Party was that out of it? And I'm thinking maybe, you know, when you look around the time of the 1968 convention. Democratic convention in Chicago, which is where this year's democratic convention is going to be again in Chicago.

And there were uprisings of, uh, and colleges about the Vietnam war back in 68 when they were in Chicago. And now we've got uprisings about Gaza. Well, the thing about it, the thing about Gaza 

Tom Sawyer: is it's not, it was [00:51:00] still not our war. Yeah. We're in a rock and a hard place with Israel because, you know, they're kind of like the glue that holds, keeps, The Middle East together.

At least that's what we think it is or or whatever. I don't know. Yeah, I know. I don't need I'm not believing the deals we're doing with. 

Laurie Kilmartin: Yeah, no. The deals we're doing with Saudi Arabia who, yeah. Who supplied almost all the nine 11 tax. Like, I'm like, what? Yeah, I know. I know. I'm not really sure. Israel is the linchpin to peace in the Middle East.

I think it's, I mean, I think it's a crazy place. Our economic, what, what it was, it isn't anymore because we are dealing with, um, you know, these other countries. Uh, I think, yeah. Well, 

Host Brian Copeland: I'll tell you, I read a thing, I read a thing this morning that, uh. There are a number of, of judges, federal judges who were appointed by Trump.

I think it's like 13 who have said that because of the uprisings at Columbia university, uh, the, the, uh, the uprisings in regard to Gaza at [00:52:00] Columbia university, they will not hire anyone from Columbia university or from a Columbia university law school. They will not hire them as clerks. They will not hire them.

And there, there, there was a complete boycott. If you graduated in 2024 or later, Who would want 

Ngaio Bealum: to work for those guys anyway? Oh, there are a protester for, for Palestinian freedom and against, uh, the apartheid of the Zionist state. Why would you want to work for that person? And the 

Tom Sawyer: other thing to remember too, as a lot of these judges aren't young, young Bucks, you know?

Mm-Hmm. They'll, they'll be dead in or, uh, uh, out of office in, in 10 or 15 years. So it, it's, it's one of those threats that in a moment it's the in the moment threat. You know, I mean, we've seen, I've seen so many of these in our, my lifetime, you know, people who have made these, these ridiculous threats that we forget about the next week because a new threat has come in.

Yeah. So, yeah. So, [00:53:00] yeah, I tho I don't, I don't even care about those. They, they bore me. 

Host Brian Copeland: Remember when the Republicans in the House were mad at France and so they, they, they reneged. Freedom Prize. Freedom Prize. That's a, that's a trivia question. Oh, well that is it. We are out of time. So, uh, I'm going to let you guys.

By my watch, we have five more minutes. Nope. We are out of time. I want to give you guys a chance to plug your stuff. Um, Lori, so again, uh, you got your special. Where are you playing? You're all over the place. 

Laurie Kilmartin: Oh, I'm at the Dayton Funnybone this weekend. I'll be at Helium in Portland. I'll be at the Bur uh, the Vermont Comedy Club in Burlington, Vermont.

I'll be at the Laughing Tap in Milwaukee. I'll be at the, uh, Floodwater Comedy Festival in Iowa City. And in Mante at the deaf puppy in July. So there's lots of dates coming up. 

Host Brian Copeland: And you're doing my, you and in Guyo both are doing my, uh, the show, the outdoor festival show that I'm producing in the company.

In the Plaza, of 

Ngaio Bealum: [00:54:00] course. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What, what day is that 

Host Brian Copeland: again? July 20th. Okay. 

Ngaio Bealum: I better write that. July 20th 

Host Brian Copeland: in San Leandro, California Outdoors. How in the 

Ngaio Bealum: plaza? July 20th. 

Host Brian Copeland: Yeah. We had 700 people last year. Hey, it's gone. It went from a hundred last year. Go ahead. 

Laurie Kilmartin: Oh, no. And Gaio. Just, it's like 420 but 720.

Thank you. for helping me with that. I appreciate 

Ngaio Bealum: that. It's always 420 around me. 

Host Brian Copeland: Okay. And where else could people see you? Um, you can see 

Ngaio Bealum: me wandering the streets of Sacramento, uh, and, and various environs, um, I will be at the Antelope greens golf course, uh, later today, working on my short game, uh, May 15th, wind river casino, May 28th in Modesto.

I don't know. Follow me on the social media, NGA IO and all the things. I post shit haphazardly and randomly, uh, support my Patreon. I promise to put, uh, content. I'm generating content these days [00:55:00] and we can do some things. 

Host Brian Copeland: Lori, you got a website? You have a website? Lori 

Laurie Kilmartin: Kilmartin. com. K. I. L. M. A. R. T. I. N. 

Host Brian Copeland: L. A.

U. R. I. E. 

Laurie Kilmartin: Yeah, but you can just use my last name. 

Ngaio Bealum: Okay. 

Host Brian Copeland: Okay. And Tom, anything you 

Tom Sawyer: want to plug? Yeah, just the, the, uh, website, TomSawyerVoices. com, if you want to hear my voice work or see the, there's a link right to the documentary, The Comedy Club on Tubi. And, uh, also a lot of great photos from, uh, the, all my years at Cobb's Comedy Club, including that black and white of Jerry Seinfeld and Joe Rogan naked from the waist up.

And, uh, yeah. And, uh, and, oh, I also wanted to plug that I'm going to be in the woods with Lori and unless I'm replaced, I didn't know you were a bear, Tom. I 

Ngaio Bealum: always thought you were a bear. You're not even that chubby. You're more of a cub.

Host Brian Copeland: All right, [00:56:00] Tom. Sorry, Lori. Come on and guy will be, uh, uh, thanks for being with us. I was always a pleasure to have you. I appreciate it. You guys. Uh, and that's going to do it for us as, as guys sparks up, uh, 

Ngaio Bealum:

Host Brian Copeland: mentioned two quick things. Uh, my, my novel, my first novel is out, it's a crime novel and it's called outraged and it is available at a bookstore near you as well as target and Walmart.

Yeah, it's, it's like six languages or something too, which is 

Laurie Kilmartin: who's your publisher. 

Host Brian Copeland: Kensington is the distributor on this. So it was just like one of the biggest in the world. And my publisher is a small little brand new publisher called a black odyssey media. And they're doing this and in a partnership, and this is the first book in, uh, in a crime series.

And the second, but they've already bought the second book and it's done and I've got the cover and [00:57:00] everything and it comes out in April of next year. So they want me to work on the third one. So, um, 

Laurie Kilmartin: so you got to pick it up or if 

Host Brian Copeland: you don't pick it up, I'll give you a copy. I'll save a copy for you. When you come July 

Laurie Kilmartin: 20th to seven 20.


Ngaio Bealum: That is much easier to memorize. Lori, so much. 

Host Brian Copeland: Uh, and also, uh, my, my, the very first solo show that I did, not a genuine black man, uh, which went off Broadway. It was the longest running solo show in Bay area theater history. It's the 20th anniversary. So I brought it back to do a handful of shows for the 1000th performance and 20th anniversary and, you know, people game.

Hmm. So we've extended it and I'm going to run a little bit longer through the end of June. And that's at the Marsh in, uh, in San Francisco. Uh, and it's, uh, the next show will be May 18th. I'm just going to do some Saturdays. Uh, also on June 15th, I will be in the South Bay in San Jose with that show. It's [00:58:00] City Lights, City Lights Theater.

So, uh, if you like what it is that you saw here, you can support this, uh, this show in a number of different ways. If you're listening to us, uh, whatever platform you're using, go and give us a five star review. It helps people to find the show. If, uh, give us a like, if you are checking us out on, uh, uh, really American media for the first time, or if you were just on our YouTube channel, uh, you know, let us know what it is.

You're thinking. So I'll check out next week till then be kind to your neighbor. He knows where you are.